19, only been driving a year and im on my second car, three points... not right is it. I tell you this baby is going nowhere near any frikkin hedges or trees (touches wood)...
Walker, are you still going to the Dam?
Yeh man, car's sweet, was chillin in it with Mak'D for reasons best known to yourself (Cheeerz dude)
Anyone know the DMA website, had it, but, being an idiot...kinda lost it.
Yeh man, jeans are a nightmare for front players. Say ur makin a bolt for the 50s and u hit it on ur knees, ur knees just stick into the ground and ur top half totally jerks forward....
Jeans just aint cool for p8ntball, i even draw the line at Cargos. U need material that will slide along grass more easily.....and also NOT RIP!