AT the end of the day, that £300m could be far better spent on other things.
And like the late great mr hicks said:
"You know all that money we spend on nuclear weapons and defense each year, trillions of dollars, correct? Instead -- just play with this -- if we spent that money feeding and clothing the poor of the world -- and it would pay for it many times over, not one human being excluded -- we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever in peace."
Now, start to substutute trillions for millions and defence budget for stupid government schemes, the olympics, free welfare and million dollar houses rented to asylum seekers, and you can start to see where we could actually do some useful stuff for the country.
like...paying people such as doctors, nurses, fire, police and servicemen and women a decent salary. cutting waiting lines for essential hospital care. actually make hospitals hospitable (!), put more funding into medical research and development, make a decent transport system (lower down my list)
theres more to life than broadband.
id rahter walk down the street and not be asked for change than know various "vinnies and debbies" of this world have access to a damn pc.
those people living on the streets, they are really poor, you know?