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Free laptops and internet conection

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
It's easy to judge, but let's be honest, just by reading this thread, we don't have all the information. What are the criteria for getting one? Might be more good in it than it would first seem. And don't forget, even if the parents are total timewasters, that's no reason to write off the kids as well. In fact, without any outside help timewasters' kids most likely become timewasters too. What this help should entail is obviously open to debate.


UK Under 19's & London Tigers.
Oct 25, 2008
Give them Nothing, They chose, They did, They suffer.

Not our fault, theres.
It's easy to say this
But the people around you have such a big influence init
So they follow by example its hard to change when if you do, you get sh*t or beaten up .etc for being different


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
free internet would be great but I don't think giving a helping hand to people less fortunate than ourselves is a bad thing and I am certainly not going to judge this scheme on the information at hand.

i.e. a one sided internet petition by some random who has obviously overdosed on The Daily Mail.

I agre wholeheartedly with Buddha, more information and evidence is needed to form a proper opinion.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
As fun as it would be to make fun of another masterminded government scheme, I'm going to hop on the good foot and say that I'm all for this. 270,000 is by no means a large number in comparison to the actual number of people living in poverty in the UK, so I can assume that there will be some kind of selection process involved. I'm willing to believe that the right people will get these.
And besides, lending a helping hand to the lower classes every once in a while shouldn't be a bad thing, regardless of whose taxes pay for them. I mean what, you'd rather they go on another MP's moat?


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a job y know
about 50 percent of my mates are unmployed ad they all try hard to find work

Im going to sound cold hearted on this but, not hard enough.

There was a show on sky a few feeks back about unemployed people, this woman basically said there is no reaosn why someone can't go get a job within a week.

Why don't people? Because they refuse to do those jobs available. You know the ones, the ones that the immigrants that everyone seems to complain about are doing.


People don't do jobs because they think they are too good for them. Then complain they don't have a job.

Immigrants come to the country and do those jobs, that they turned down. Then they complain about how many immigrants we have?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008

also why is the cost of the intiative £300 Million?

Even at £400 a laptop which lets be honest is more than enough and 24 mths of £10 a month dongle usage (broadband) thats only £172.8 million.
Because when a country do something it cost more than usual because of dirty negociations. Politician will get nice unofficial money to help them taking the decision and the company signing the deal will do twice more money than if they were selling they to a customer.
And politicians don't care it isn't their money ...
Same everywhere.