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Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Originally posted by Munkeh
Wow... so you just dicriminated against millions of people who live in the UK who do not belief in your beliefs. Now, by your definition you gave us earlier, that would make you a racist no?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ultimately if everybody believed in the same things there wouldn't be conflict would there? Not saying the world would be better for it, it would certainly be a lot duller but there would be less conflit. Do you agree on that?

Duffistuta, sorry, yes I suppose you could say that the second quote could be deemed as racist to a degree. My bad, I had just looked through and through at the first bit.

However, it still astounds me that so many people who want to meet people of all backgrounds, religions and cultures are so quick to give me the option of labelling myself a moron or wilfully obstinate moron. Your a really generous chap. It's great to find someone as biggoted in their own beliefs as those they label as bigots...


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Originally posted by Mario

Tony is a good man and i reckon he knows what is best for the country. He's got my vote ;)
Tony Blair is a (the worst word you can say in front of a lady). And believe it's even worse than "no" when she asks for another pair of Jimmy Choo's.


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
Originally posted by stongle
Tony Blair is the worst word you can say in front of a lady. And believe it's even worse than "no" when she asks for another pair of Jimmy Choo's.
noted....and i mean noted ;)


Sorry, but you were the one who laid down the Oxford dictionary definition of racism - I then gave you a direct quote which fulfilled that definition absolutely, and you claimed it didn't...that smacks of stupidity, no?

Did I label you a bigot? No, you did that yourself when you announced you supported the BNP. Unlike the BNP, I tolerate different views or else your posts would be gone and so would you...if I took the BNOP's stance we wouldn't be arguing, I'd just have deported you for the heinous crime of being non-white.

Now, I'm sorry if you find my tone offensive, but please don't try weak shots like "It's great to find someone as biggoted in their own beliefs as those they label as bigots..." because frankly, they insult my intelligence.

Want a parting shot from one of your beloved BNP spokesmen?

"We all know that our first aim is to once shut the gates on any further immigration, put an end to anti-white discrimination, and to spend whatever it takes to persuade so many non-whites to return to their ethnic homelands that Britain once again becomes and will remain for all time the fundamentally white nation that it always was before 1948. And we all know that this will mean that a greatly reduced number of non-whites who have integrated with our society and who accept the new position will be allowed to stay and be granted the full protection of the law as citizens.

They and their descendants, and a failure of any group to adjust its birth rate to match ours would have to be taken as a sign that they have not integrated and cannot stay, can live here on that basis for as long as they accept the democratically expressed wishes of the native British whose country this must always be.

Much though many people would rather see a totally all-white Britain, this less than perfect arrangement is the price our children will have to pay for the treason of our Masters and the fact that the United States of America is under the control of multi-racist fanatics who would bomb this country back into the Stone Age if we gave them the excuse by evicting the last non-whites at gunpoint "

As I said, you claimed to support them, you labelled yourself a bigot, end of story.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
Originally posted by duffistuta

Much though many people would rather see a totally all-white Britain, this less than perfect arrangement is the price our children will have to pay for the treason of our Masters and the fact that the United States of America is under the control of multi-racist fanatics who would bomb this country back into the Stone Age if we gave them the excuse by evicting the last non-whites at gunpoint "

Jesus Christ, people vote for these muppets?????? :eek: :confused:

If this was truly the opinion of the people in this country then damn right we should be bombed back into the stone age!!!

And how far are we taking this racism? 50 years, 100 years, 1000 years and i'll be getting on the boat back to Normandy where my ancestors boarded their boats to invade this little island!!!

Who is English anyway? The Saxons? Nomans? Romans? Celts?
Where do we draw the line with which invading tribe gets to claim squatters rights on this real estate?

Am I out since I come from a slightly mixed background? Go back 100 years and you'll find jewish, irish, american and french blood in the mix on my family tree. So here i am born and bred English???


New Member
Apr 3, 2003
Sussex, England
Back on track slightly - I personally don't want to be governed by Brussels for two reasons:

Finacially and commercially.

Finacially - the Euro doesn't work as it's pushed prices higher in all the countries that have it, inflation will never be kept under control because the gulf between have's (UK, France, Germany) and the have nots (Latvia and other former communist countries) it will fluctuate badly and interest rates, again because of the difference in each countries economy

Commercially - running a business is hard enough without being told what you can and cant pay staff or the hours you have to work. We pay our staff well and they get plenty of time off. If I was to follow Euro regs it would cost me roughly £100,000 more per year. Why? The minimum wage would jump to over £7 an hour and I would have to employ more staff to cover the time off everyone would be entitled too. We'd last about 6 months! So then all the staff I have would be out of work and claiming benefit and not contributing to the system. If you leave things alone, jobs and prosperity flourish.

These are just some of the points that I could argue as well as waste, corruption, border controls (this worries me more from a terrorism/crime point of view than someone's race) and the effect on our military.

A referendum is the only fair way for the decision to be made. If the Majority of the UK wants in then I'll go with it (reluctantly). If we want out then any politician who carried on with the intergration would be a complete fool as both they and their party would be commiting political suicide. What UKIP has proved, regardless of their Asylum policy, is that being British still matters to some people. Labour and the Tories shouldn't dismiss this section of the populace, because they will come back and bite them when the time comes.
I think even the BNP dont take themselves seriously as a proper party.

They are never gonna be legitimate like the SNP, Welsh National party etc because of all this politically correctness rubbish. You cant stand up for the rights of any group you think you belong to unless it is in the minority.

I think the BNP are getting votes from people who want to scare the government into action, take France and Hollands recent elections and their results as an example.

There is alot of confusion between race and religion too. Race is a physical difference inherited from your parents, the same as having blue eyes or black hair. Religion is a form of control as a result of mass ignorance and brainwashing, if I could get rid of all religion tomorrow I would.

Personally I feel fcuked over completely by the current government. But I wouldnt waste my vote on BNP, there are much more important issues at hand.

I do like the fact that we have several UKIP european representatives, that will put the cat amongst the pigeons!


New Member
Jan 10, 2004
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I for one feel VERY VERY strongly about this issue !!:eek: I'm half English and half Chinesse ! Both my granparents fought in the second world war .My English Grandfarther was in the army and my Chinesse grandfarther fought behind Jap lines in the Chindits !!I have been brought up in England all my life SO just because I have a Chinesse grandfarther ( who had an English passport ) and I am NOT 100% English some people would throw me out the Country !!!!:mad: :mad: As far as I'm concerned I'm just as English as any of you !!! So for all you Idiots out there get a life !!!;)
diffistuta for some very obvious reasons I'm with you dude !!!:D

As for the EU they can kiss my half breed Ass !!!!!:eek: :D :D


Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
Originally posted by Ben Frain

I don't want to join a country/state where they don't even speak my language, decide my laws, tell me which people can come in and out of my country, why the hell would I want to? They aren't even on the same friggin land mass!
We got the same whinging from the Hawaiians.



Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
Originally posted by duffistuta

... the United States of America is under the control of multi-racist fanatics who would bomb this country back into the Stone Age if we gave them the excuse by evicting the last non-whites at gunpoint "
wouldn't that be "bombed forward" to the Stone Age... the last time on Earth that people of different ethnicities were tidily divided by geographic obstacles like the English channel?