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Europe's first ever Tippmann Challenge Official Event Launch


Latest statics for the faction recruitment.

As you can see, the IMB have closed up the gap, increasing by 5% and pulling back GSS by 5% so closing the overall gap by 10% since last week.

There is now only a 15% difference between the sides. If the IMB make a final push, then things could even up nicely.

The Russian Mafia are by far the biggest side. The combined recruitment drive of James and Woody seems to have done the trick. Stacked out with plenty of foreign players, the Russian Mafia looks like they'll be taking to the field mob handed.

MOSSAD are living up to their name as a small, but no doubt, deadly outfit. They maybe a handful for the opposing General to keep tabs on and could pop up anywhere once the initial fights kick off. Conversely, it maybe a disadvantage for the IMB to effectively have all their manpower in two as opposed to three factions. Decisions decisions.

IMB Elite Unit - 12.75%
MI6 - 12.75%
CIA - 13.16%
MOSSAD - 3.70%

IMB total = 42.4%

GSS Elite Unit - 6.17%
Escobar Cartel - 13.58%
Triads - 15.63%
Russian Mafia - 22.22%

GSS total = 57.6%

From an organisational point of view, everything is done. We've got one or treats for everyone that we haven't announced - we want to keep those as a nice surprise for the weekend.

We want to remind everyone that the Bucking Paintball will be raising money for Help for Heroes so we want as many people as possible to have a go and contribute to this excellent charity.

As an aside, we're over the 300 player mark. This means that the UK now has 3 genuine Big Games instead of just two (usually defined as 300+ players) with NvS being the daddy, followed by Staargate and now the Tippmann Challenge.

Someone who knows about these things has emailed me to say that they believe that this is a record for a brand new UK Paintball game to achieve over 300 players in it's first year.

Thank you all for your support.

As a thank you to all the players who have supported this event in it's first year, we've ordered up some goodies to give to everyone free of charge. We'll keep it as a surprise though ;-)

This will be on top of the free 1Gb USB memory sticks and the free playing tops that everyone is already getting gratis.

Have to say on a personal note, I can't wait for this one. It's shaping up for a really nice laid back weekend with a wicked game of paintball thrown in. Ballers from all over the world coming to have a beer and swap some paint with us UK players - we're really looking forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks.

Online bookings close in 6 days



If you are having your tea - look away now!

Our friends at Ram Training will be attending the Tippmann Challenge to do their thing. One of their presentations will be about how to extract a casualty from a killing zone, treat them and get them casevac'd.

They use casualty simulation effects. Here are a few examples:



Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Just printed the player pack and noticed that we arn't allowed to put tents up till 5pm :s

I think someone should go round a film the tipsy people trying to put theres up


Jun 19, 2010
I'm slightly confused with what the player pack says about dress code..

I can wear whatever i want on Sunday as long as I have the tshirt on, so does that mean i can wear a playing jersey with the tshirt underneath? or do i have to do the same thing as the ghillie suit users?


never a trading complaint
Oct 29, 2003
Everybody bar the ghillie suit people HAVE to ware their free playing t-shirt over the top of any extra garments worn by the individual players. This is to clearly identify each faction.