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European smugglers?

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Sep 14, 2002
But the one mistake made globally to do with taxes is that they all tax the wrong people. Too much tax on us little people but hardly any on those who make more money than what they deserve. In laymans terms we tax the poor, give the freebies to the rich. Robin Hood had the right idea (take from the rich and give to the poor).
THAT is the problem with the entire ****ing world: the idea that if you were responsible, got an education (at your own expense, and no small one at that), and have more than two nickels to rub together, you are a "rich" person, and it's your duty to take care of everybody who didn't. On a global scale, that's what you are all bitching about, but on a personal scale, it's what you all champion. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Britain and the US are the worlds educated, productive, "rich people" so as far as everyone with that attitude is conerned (including ourselves), it's our duty to take care of the world, and by the way, it took us long enough too. No, that's wrong. I don't know how it is in Britain, but if you make under $20,000 a year here in the US, after refunds, you don't pay any taxes, and in fact, depending on what you make, you actually make money. Meanwhile, if you make over 90,000 per year, you're in the "upper" tax bracket (that's right folks, anyone between 90k and 30 billion, same tax bracket), so you get to pay upwards of 60% of your income out between state and federal taxes. That "upper" tax bracket of over 90k per year pays 80% of the entire American tax burden. And it's the "little guy" who's getting stuck? If you were making 65k a year and got a raise to 90k, you'd take home less money after taxes. Fun to be "rich" ain't it? All because you had the selfish audacity to go to school, get a job and work hard. BULL****! Taxes, subsidies, welfare and social programs are out of control in the nations of the world that the UN has decided are "rich" and need to take care of the rest of the globe. You want a Robin Hood? The UN's your man: stealing from the rich to give to the poor: the stupid, the illiterate, the lazy, the unwilling, the underachieving. And all it's doing is keeping the poor poorer and, more frequently, the lazy lazier, by perpetuating an entitlement mentality. Taxes should be spent on domestic affairs, like keeping social order in place and maintaining the functionality of the government, not on saving the world, protecting the rare tsitsi fly, and handing out billions of dollars to welfare addicts who don't want to work.


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Nov 17, 2005
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Raffles said:
...and don't get me started on the National Lottery!!!
:D i was thinking that as well

Dr. Strangelove i was more directing that at the currrent state of the Tony Blair era. However i don't believe in giving to people to choose not to work, claim disability then go play golf as Deker has pointed out. More like giving to the people who need it - like increasing state pensions for the old, subsidies of nurses and teachers. Heck even injecting the money into something that will benefit a community. Like a half decent police force that works in favour of the victim not the criminal. Not paying for a war we shouldn't be involved in.

People who claim benefits and don't work shouldn't be allowed to claim them. There is a difference though between choosing not to work and not being able to work.

Von Wehr

'Jabba Hut Love Machine'
May 17, 2006
wrong end of planet earth
Raffles said:
...and don't get me started on the National Lottery!!!
While it's good mate that someone puts a little humour into the equation, the Lottery is not the same, for the simple reason that we can choose whether we play or not. Yeah some of the "good causes" are laughable, but if you don't win it's lost money anyway.
What's annoying me, especially when i get slack off Mikey601, is this guy is feinting with a "European Friends" followed by swift and repeated kicks to the nether regions suggesting we're all tax dodgers on the goods he's shippng out, but happy slang USA over not keeping a 'Happy House' at home or the rest of the world. Well guess what, read the above posts and you haven't even scratched the surface. We're the laughing stock of the world, letting everybody including criminals in because they would face the justice of the law of their land. Well f##k me. Our government is just sitting back counting out their individual spondoolies they're making from doing guest appearances at "dinners" & "Parky Show", and appear to show more concern over the increased popularity of the BNP than keeping house. (thats probably because the dinners appearances would dry up).
Am i little sensative, YEAH big time. And your right, we shouldn't be called "Great" Britain anymore because besides anything else, we've lost any sense of pride we ever had.

PS I've got to p-ss of to work now to support every work-shy fop. Cheers


Dec 7, 2004
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The English "Welfare State" is coming to the end of it's life. It was initially set up to help people who struggled with work in an era when there were more people than jobs. But in this day that's no longer the case.

There are now thousands more jobs than our population can handle, so why is there still unemployment? Because scum can earn more money (relatively speaking as they actually have very little to pay out) by sitting on their arses or thieving off honest people.

I live in a council housing area, although our house and the surrounding ones have all been bought. It's one of the worst estates in both Sheffield and South Yorkshire. I get to see firsthand every single day the type of people this country provides an income for and I can tell you, most of them aren't nice people.

I've recently been made redundant because of Government funding cuts, when I finally choked down the last of my pride and went to "sign on" I was treat with almost disgust. Yet the "regulars" are treat as "mates"! I was told in no uncertain terms that if I couldn't prove that I'd been seeking work my benefit (£80 a fortnight I think) would be cut. I can also only claim benefits for 6 months. So how is it that the pathetic dregs of society can spend years unemployed, and earning a relative £15k per year?

To hammer home this point, just after xmas last year I was staying with a woman in her council flat. We went away for 2 days and the flat was robbed, over £2000 of my personal belongings was taken. I can never afford to replace all that, most of it had been given to me. They then p*ssed on both the bed and sofa. The one saving grace is that I'd taken my paintball kit with me. The lad who took all this (a persistant re-offender) served 3 months and is now back out thieving again, oh and on benefits.

So back to the original point, I've paid taxes all my life. Do you honestly think, after having almost everything I own stolen by someone that this Government refuses to do anything about, and also supports financially, that I'm going to go out of my way to plunge yet more money into this corrupt, sleazy goverment if I can help it? Not F*cking likely!

I say f*ck the welfare state, put all the scum in the army and let them fight for their country. If they don't want to they can find other ways to earn a living, like street sweeping. And if they take up stealing, chop their f*cking hands off.


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Tom Allen said:
This country is just too damb expensive to run.

I blame it on the upper-middle class housewives, with nothing better to do than champion useless and pointless causes.

FFS, if a country has a problem, or a country has a famine, or a drought.............sort it out yourself, stop sponging off us.

Don't get me wrong, i'm as welsh as anyone, but the welsh language.........wtf........:mad: :mad: .............who cares, it sounds like crap and does what, preserves our heritage.......bo**ocks.

And why the **** do we have four nations in one country, we can't win **** all at sports, because we're segregated within the confines of ridiculous borders.

Put the great back into britain.

United kingdom my arse.
Tom have i not taught you anything :p


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Oct 20, 2004
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mikey601 said:
Any reason for the harshness of your post towards dissent, how do you know he packs boxes, maybe you should **** off and go stack selves in tesco's
Facts of this (from the Times, November 2005 so about 6 months old)

Migrant workers coming to the UK, have boosted the economy by £120million, and that is expected to rise to £200million in a year. Of this around £20million has been paid as tax and national insurance.


Migrants into Britain last year sent home £2.7 BILLION, or £2700 million to make an easy comparison. This is TWICE the size of the worlds development spending.

Yes, migrants help unemployment, and the vast mayority are a benefit to the society. However it only take a few to spoil the rest's good work (July Bombings for example...) However when you take into account the benefit to the economy and the loss from the economy and all the effects of these you find that Britain is around £2.6 billion out of pocket.


chrismrgn said:
Yes, migrants help unemployment, and the vast mayority are a benefit to the society. However it only take a few to spoil the rest's good work (July Bombings for example...)
Er, the bombers weren't migrants, they were born in Britain...


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
chrismrgn said:
Facts of this (from the Times, November 2005 so about 6 months old)

Migrant workers coming to the UK, have boosted the economy by £120million, and that is expected to rise to £200million in a year. Of this around £20million has been paid as tax and national insurance.


Migrants into Britain last year sent home £2.7 BILLION, or £2700 million to make an easy comparison. This is TWICE the size of the worlds development spending.

Yes, migrants help unemployment, and the vast mayority are a benefit to the society. However it only take a few to spoil the rest's good work (July Bombings for example...) However when you take into account the benefit to the economy and the loss from the economy and all the effects of these you find that Britain is around £2.6 billion out of pocket.

Understand what your saying chris, but not too sure why you quoted me?


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 2004
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duffistuta said:
Er, the bombers weren't migrants, they were born in Britain...
They may (edit; NOT) have been born in the UK but they were almost certainly taught and helped by the preachings of foreign migrants.

Soz mikey601, i didnt read the whole thread, so i didnt really get the context of what you were posting!
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