OK, seems like I blew out on the morphology estimate but scored high on the personality....funny thing women eh?Originally posted by ollytheosteo
Pete- I would put you at about a 7, I get the feeling she was married to some luckless ******* and she wasn't too porky either. I see where your coming from tho, there is an instantly recognisable group of mindless knee-jerk PC monkeypersons out there who react to the word paintball as if we were all lunatic perverts. Oh, hang on.......we areI'm off for some liver and a nice chianti.
Just goes to show that no matter how much we try and educate, spread the word etc, there willl always be those who are proud of their ignorance and will fight against enlightentment. Sadly, whilst a few of my closest friends are in the same profession, I will always feel more at home amongst paintballers, if only because they are never boring. Even with the smells, bodily noises etc. Best people in the world, baby.
Actually I was refering to the 'lady' in question mateOriginally posted by Steve Hancock
If you were refering to me, you're close in your estimation, but again no cigar. It's my 4th and final year.
Regarding changing the world: Its the tofu-eating, tree-hugging leftys that seem to infest universitys that has given me my loathing of political correctness. Their reliance on emotive dogma and political mud slinging inorder to changing the world, end up devaluing any cause they denigrate with their support.
The danger of amatuer psychoanalysis was shown by its father, Freud, who's insights revealed more about himself than his subjects.Turning that back on myself thought, my opinions might reveal that I could be one of those cynical student types rather than the banner-waving, putting-the-world-to-rights types. But who knows... Arggh self-psychoanalysis. Now i'm getting a headache!