Pete,As far as I understand things, the industry are heavily hindered by rules and mandates imposed by the HSE and therefore I cannot even contemplate blaming the very people who are directly and negagtively affected by rules and protocols that do not follow commonsense thinking.
The industry do not lobby the HSE for changes, the HSE implement these rules themselves and so from my point of view, there's only one body to blame ...
I have to disagree. The codes of practice issued by the HSE are very straightforward and are common sense.
They have, in the majority of cases, come about due to major disasters (piper alpha, chernobyl, flixborough), or following significant ill health trends (asbestos, noise, etc).
The problem is that it is often not H&S people who apply or interpret the regulations and then the press exagerate the impact.
Examples of some of the rubbish blamed on the HSE are here -- http://www.hse.gov.uk/myth/