If more HSO's took your outlook then many of us Grunts wouldn't view you as the traffic wardens of the building game... I have seen several occasions where one specific HSO would argue anypoint he decided on & not listen to a word anyone on the ground said. Here is 2 examples:
The firm I used to work for was an insulation firm so COSHH was rammed down our throats from day 1 so we didn't injure ourselves by accident.
In comes new HSO man, who immediately decides that to insulate a loft with fibreglass insulation rolls you need to wear: Hard hat, high vis, goggles, breathing mask (ffp2/3), gloves, boiler suit/full length trousers & jumper & safety boots... So we all ended up sweating, de hydrated & one guy fainted, fell through a ceiling before he would concede it is to much to wear in a small space. So he gave in on the hard hat & boiler suits but thats all!
Then he decided that the wall insulators needed all the same gear + ear defenders. Then he decided that when climbing a ladder you must have 3 points of contact at all times, so left leg, right leg, left hand oh then he realised u need a friggin drill so you cannot actually do it! So he gave us full body harnesses to be clipped to the rung as we climb by a 300mm caribina, so as you climb down it hits you in the nuts every other rung! Then he decided every time you erect a ladder (11 times ish per semi house) it need to be secured to the wall by 2 eye bolts & a strap (people love them drilled in their house... not).
So now you have a ladder strapped left & right to the wall and you clipped to it, now anyone who has used a ladder for more than say 5 times in their life knows sometimes a ladder may slip left/right slightly as you climb it if the ground is not concrete. But with the straps on what happens is it twists from the wall onto one stile then falls parallel to the house with you clipped to it so you cant jump off near the ground!
Needless to say that multi million pound firm went under within 18 months of the new "Health & Safety" rules which were by all accounts his personal views not Government legislation?
But we all thought it was the law.