I think it's an extraordinary complex problem not so much in terms of any intellectual endeavour but because we have a convoluted mish-mash of responsibilities and testimonial evidence that tends to resist anyone trying to nail down a specific problem of responsibility.
I think one thing that emerges is that if all health and Safety people were more like John [Return of the Silver Fox] then we'd all be in a better place that's for sure.
What cannot be denied is ... there must be some organisation that is ultimately responsible for the health and safety ... that being the case, I think it's obvious that responsibility should fall onto the shoulders of the HSE.
I think it's their job now to do a total review of their rules and protocols and they MUST consult with the industry beforehand so they have a practical handle on the effects of some of their findings before they enshrine any changes to the rule book.
The slate needs to be wiped clean and then the HSE has to enforce these rules .... this won't happen of course but that comes as no suprise I suppose ....
I think one thing that emerges is that if all health and Safety people were more like John [Return of the Silver Fox] then we'd all be in a better place that's for sure.
What cannot be denied is ... there must be some organisation that is ultimately responsible for the health and safety ... that being the case, I think it's obvious that responsibility should fall onto the shoulders of the HSE.
I think it's their job now to do a total review of their rules and protocols and they MUST consult with the industry beforehand so they have a practical handle on the effects of some of their findings before they enshrine any changes to the rule book.
The slate needs to be wiped clean and then the HSE has to enforce these rules .... this won't happen of course but that comes as no suprise I suppose ....