Originally posted by Gogger
I don't matter if you're for or against electro's. It comes down to just one simple fact. It will be a very cold day in hell when someone pulls my timmy from my lifeless, bloody hands and I think there are enough people who feel the same way as to make it an impossible task.
I did say in my opening post that I knew it was all pie in the sky. Apparantly I am the only baller in the entire world who feels this way. Fine! I shall begin my own paintball format with Black-Jack.. And Hookers... in fact forget the paintball! (Sic- Bender Futurama).
Please list some of the skills Electro's have removed and im sure we will be able to find a skill which has replaced it
Um... Ok, well the accuracy one is the most obvious. And having shot electros I would seriously contest that it is easier to snap-shoot with an mechanical marker. Accuracy when shooting is many faceted and nearly all of these are simply reduced to shooting fast.
Cover fire is altered to a process of hosing the oposition.
Sweet-spotting is simply lobbing LOADS of balls down a lane.
snap-shooting contests are often won by the fact that if you hav ethe drop on some dude you simply keep shooting and he can't come up safely to shoot back.
Even mugging is a process of firing a load of balls at the poor sucker
Is there ANYONE out there who even half sympathises with this POV? MY intenetion was to post something contreversial to get more interesting debates with more people on "Speak Ya Brains". Maybe I am the one and only person who thinks that if electros went away it might improve the sport...
Ah well, I'll fight my corner until I get borred
I know that I shall never win