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Electro Ban


This really is my face...
fight or fly??

Why buy an electro yourself. You seem a great one for talk and no action. You should set an example even if no-one will follow you. Yes electro's have excelled the sport of paintball for the purpose of good or evil, only time will tell. Although I know that the tourney scene would not be the same without them. Let me ask you this, would you bring a machetee or a spatula to a knife fight?
Why buy one myself? Well I haven't at the mo. But If I want to compete I'll need one. I want to compete!

Burb: Mugging with a mechical marker, is harder than with an electro, that's all I was saying.

ABBA: Yes I am just picking a random moment in time, but why not, I'v enever played pump or Stock-class. THese may be waay more fun, but there it is.

Alien: I am well up for a pump tourney, never played one. I'll take you up on that offer!

Gyroscope: I am in fact looking back with whistfulness to a time I've never known, the Angel LCD had been out for some time when I first picked up a semi. But there it is.

Ok guys I've said my piece and I know that it is a pipe dream, but I have to get this out of my system every now and again...

Peace y'all, see you in the middle, I'll be the one b!tching about electros...


P.s. we got people to participate, come newbs, the more the merrier!


Active Member
Jul 8, 2001
Under the bed...
My two pence

Bring on the electro revolution!

I can only think of one disadvantage: the paint bill...but hopefully one day :)eek: ) the paint price will fall...

I have played pump (it's even in my avatar) and they were lethal...'easier to discharge' hmmm I remember one Sterling that pumped and shot itself on a cold day...first Turbo board I think lol

And they were waaaaaaay eaasier to tamper with especially Rangers and sterlings...the chances of getting liquid Co2 to consistently give you velocity were slim...but hey...

So why not stop with mechanical semis? well IMHO the rate of fire increase is a good thing brought about by reliability of rate of fire...if you see what I mean. How many times has your game gone pear shaped with cocker/mag (gaaahhh) because you fluffed the trigger on some mildy annoying thing happened (a chop, bent ADB) general problems etc, these days we just switch on and go and with ACE's and the like, when you pull the trigger paint comes out. So it takes some mechanical uncertainty out of the game, a level (er) playing field perhaps??

I'm probably on this enthused cos I've just got a dark angel hehehehehehehe

And besides how intense is it having 40+bps punding your precariously placed 50 bunker? Fun anyone?

Just my two pence



Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Essex, UK
Banning electros is going a bit too far - after all most paintballers are gadget freaks and electros are simply the latest gadget.

Personally the whole idea of electros doesn't appeal to me - a good mechanical marker will hurl enough paint to compete and theres a hell of a lot less to go wrong.

I do agree that the focus on volume of paint and in-your-face playing does have safety implications - being mugged by a 14bps electro is not something I'd personally enjoy.

I've made a conscious decision to stay mechanical - nearly got myself an X-Mag but at the end of the day I couldn't really see the point. My highest priorities with a marker are reliability, durability and consistency - but I know a lot of people place a lot more emphasis on rate of fire, looks and bells and whistles.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by Richard Kirke (DUPS Rocket) UK

P.s. we got people to participate, come newbs, the more the merrier!
Yes you did, and well done I say.

Alien--you're sig banner is still too big. I sent you an email awhile ago.

KO--Nascar has a phone book of rules in order to promote safety and assure, as much as possible, that the skills of the driver's and team strategies win races; not technology. And it is necessary because teams and owners will do anything they can to win. The failure to have strict, enforced parameters in which to compete is a sure recipe for ultimate failure.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
You were obviously playing devil's advocate (if not you should be burned at the stake), but lets remeber the BPS figures being quoted are mostly theoretocal (and more than most ballers are full of B.S. about their skillz anyway).

Only a tiny percentage of players can sustain these rof, so your hardly likely to come up against these guyz and get hosed anyway (excuse the English been to the pub).

Now enough I say, who wants to play on my atomiclly powered Paintball Rail Gun????? Yep, you can't stop progress
Devlis Advocate?

Originally posted by stongl
You were obviously playing devil's advocate (if not you should be burned at the stake),
Get the fire-wood! I was not playing DA, I genuinely beleive that the game would be better without electros. But there you go, I (we?) am in a very small minority, that's fine. Opinions are like various bits of anatomy, we all have one.

I hope it is clear that my opinion is thought out and not simply born of being shot a lot by an electro once. It is clear also that the electro camp also have well thought out opinions, we just disagree.

Skaffen, I have to say that I disagree with you, electros are reliable enough otherwise the top pros wouldn't use them.

Baca- well then I have achieved my aim. I hope more people join in!



Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Essex, UK
Devlis Advocate?

Originally posted by Richard Kirke (DUPS Rocket) UK
Skaffen, I have to say that I disagree with you, electros are reliable enough otherwise the top pros wouldn't use them.
Oh no, I'm not saying that electros aren't reliable - just that you're adding complexity and cost for what gain? Lighter trigger pull and higher ROF? For me, electros don't appear to offer any real benefits that justify upgrading from a good mechanical marker.