Dye markers are amazing 'when' they work.
Many a time i've seen people using a DM12 or NT11 etc. be in the safe area trying to get their markers working.
When they do work though they are AMAZING, and for that price really good, but i wouldn't suggest them as your first marker unless you or someone you know uses/used them and know what they are like/how to fix them.
Eclipse, anyone with half a brain cell can use and maintain.
All Eclipse markers are easy to service and work through near enough anything.
Eclipse markers work well, and are set to your budget.
Etha/Etek if you want a cheaper marker that performs well for the price.
Ego/Geo if you want to spend the extra to get a Amazing marker.
Trust me if you go Eclipse you won't regret it.
Very simple markers to maintain and the LCD, (NOTE It's a LCD board on a Ego/Geo NOT OLED), board on the Ego's/Geo's is really simple and won't let you down.
The LED, (Flashy lights.), boards on the Etek's/Etha's works well aswell and easy to set up with the colour manual in hand!
Any questions feel free to PM me buddy.
All the best, whichever way you decide to go.
Hope this Helps.
James T
Many a time i've seen people using a DM12 or NT11 etc. be in the safe area trying to get their markers working.
When they do work though they are AMAZING, and for that price really good, but i wouldn't suggest them as your first marker unless you or someone you know uses/used them and know what they are like/how to fix them.
Eclipse, anyone with half a brain cell can use and maintain.
All Eclipse markers are easy to service and work through near enough anything.
Eclipse markers work well, and are set to your budget.
Etha/Etek if you want a cheaper marker that performs well for the price.
Ego/Geo if you want to spend the extra to get a Amazing marker.
Trust me if you go Eclipse you won't regret it.
Loved all the Ego's/Etek's i've owned and they have worked well everytime.One advantage I could think of for Eclipse is also the fact they have an OLED board in them... YOu have to but a seperate kit from Virtue to have an OLED on the DM series. Unfortunately, we are sat counting blinking lights...
Very simple markers to maintain and the LCD, (NOTE It's a LCD board on a Ego/Geo NOT OLED), board on the Ego's/Geo's is really simple and won't let you down.
The LED, (Flashy lights.), boards on the Etek's/Etha's works well aswell and easy to set up with the colour manual in hand!
Any questions feel free to PM me buddy.
All the best, whichever way you decide to go.
Hope this Helps.
James T
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