first of no offence to your foster brother but add and adhd are a load of crock and are just a way for people to label people who are actively more impulsive then normal people. I personally know 2 people who have been diagnosed with this disability simply because they were trouble makers at school, and yet they are perfectly normal intelligent individuals. 9/10 times someone is said to have adhd they have a severely unhealthy diet or have/ had troubled home lives and act impulsively out of need for attention.Yes.
I have a foster brother who goes to one of these schools who has been diagnosed with ADHD and autism and I doubt there's anywhere better for him.
that being said autism is a very serious mental disability and can be very difficult to handle especially in a place like a school. People who have autism like was said before are very self involved and can be shy towards anyone they are unfamiliar with, and will not sit in a lesson that would not interest them. However they are also highly intelligent individuals and with the proper care and support can become highly successful individuals.
However most schools don’t have the budget the staff or the time to deal with an average students needs let alone any one with disabilities. This I feel makes special needs schools a very important part of the education system and one that needs improving upon.
I know several people with both physical and mental disabilities and they have been good friends of mine since I was little. Even recently one of the instructors at the gym I just joined is wheelchair ridden and he is 5 times fitter then me and recently did a wheel chair marathon.
The main issue is that people aren’t taught what these disabilities actually are and therefore end up branding people as "retards" and misfits. Schools should teach people what disabilities are as when people understand each other they are easier inclined to accept them.