yes some should be put in those specialized schools and some should be put in ordinary schools.
back in junior school we had two kids with autism.
one of them i knew quite well but wasnt exactly a person that i would hang out with if ya get me...but we were mates. he was academically samrt in most subjects, eg maths, he is much better at maths than i am. but i dont know how to describe it but he couldnt judge for him self what is right or wrong (sorry i dont know how to explain it better). like some co*ks back in junior school used to say to him "oh go and ask that dinner lady over there for a pack of condoms" which he immediately did, and another example of this was he fell over once back in year 5 i think it was and he hurt his arse. so he pulled his trousers down and bent over showing the teacher his bare arse. another thing he did was when he was with a learning support teacher he used put his hand down her shirt and down her bra. im sorry about mentioning these things but im just trying to get my point across so this is what i mean by he doesnt know whats right and wrong. (once again sorry but i dont know how else to explain it).
the other lad was a bit worse than that but still he was academically smart but only in history. he knew history in side out!! but he too didnt know how to act properly like he used to pick his nose and wipe the snot in his hair and things like that. as well to add to that he used to constantly wet/crap him self. also back then if the weather was bad we wernt allowed out side so we used to play with lego

..but he saw that on the lego bricks was written "made in germany" so he smashed up my helicopter which i spent a good hour building (i was only in year 5).. what ever was made in germany he used to smash up because of the whole hitler thing.
i tried to help him out and defend him as much i could, i even ended up in a couple of fights over it with other kids....but he used to get so much stick for not being like everyone else.
so imo people like them that i have mentioned have the full right to be in ordinary schools where they can learn and make friends. but those who are much much more dissabled should be in specialized schools.
my junior school was about 10 mins away from a specialized dissabled school. they used to visit our school every now and then and a few of us visited their school once. i was one of the few that went simply because i wanted to get out of school and to go see what it was like.
when we got there i was actually quite shocked by how dissabled some children were. some couldnt even stand up and support them selvs, drouled (spelling) everywhere and couldnt talk. people like him should be in those specialized schools where they would be better off. but one of the kids there was quite autistic but imo could have been in an ordinary school. he could walk and talk (ish) and he was a very friendly kid. so i was wondering why he wasnt in an ordinary school as he wansnt that dissabled but there may have been more to him than i thought.
i hope i havn't offended anyone