The 1-4-1 and 50 penalty points is for things like getting 2 shots on your lenses and running down the feild and mugging someone.
We had the same thing in the first event and havd it overturned by ralf .
The rules do say blatent playing on not just playing on.
If the refs read the rules and understood them then they should not have given you the -50.
As for the loosing team not getting penaltys thats daft if you cheat you get punished win or lose..

We had the same thing in the first event and havd it overturned by ralf .
The rules do say blatent playing on not just playing on.
If the refs read the rules and understood them then they should not have given you the -50.
As for the loosing team not getting penaltys thats daft if you cheat you get punished win or lose..