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A return 2 seeded open events is what i'd like to see.
Day 1 everyone gets 2 play a top team. 1 or 2 lesser teams get some sort of result against their betters and a 'buzz' is created for them.
Day 2 new divs based on scores. Now the buzz is that 1 or 2 divs have ranked teams playing against eachother but they cant all win so a true edge comes into their play.
One of the lesser teams has got a right crap draw but they are pumped that they are going to go away with the knowlege that they have played 3/4 of the top teams in europe/world.
In one of the games they even got it down to a 1 on 1 which they are going to dine out on for months.
Are they coming back next time,you bet they are!
Everyone including Robbo wants that shot at either team or personal glory.
A couple of players get noticed and move to better teams. A couple of teams get noticed and get a bit more or 1st time sponsorship.Every one wins and everyone wants more.

Freddie Brockdorff

Olva the Berserker
Aug 22, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
Robbo's comments re Freddie... I aint speaking for him, but he knows you arent connected at the hip.
Okay - maybe he does know that.... So then I´m wondering where stuff like this comes from?

As for Nick and Freddie, I just took it at face value and filed it under, 'Normal Sh!t'.
Pete - please do remind me when we have ever ever had a discussion before? "Normal sh!t"?

You claim you don´t want/need my comments on this thread - so why on earth do you keep writing stuff like the above? If someone commented on you like that, then surely you would react - no wait, that´s EXACTLY what you do - even when people do NOT comment on you? So how can you blame me for making this post? :)

I honestly - still - fail to see how my very first post was in any way aimed at you? Okay - my english is far from perfect, this is what I learned in school - blame the danish school system - but seriously, wherein lies my attack at you?

As for my brother mentioning the "weaker sex" - oh well I got it! Hehe! The rest of you might fail to see the funny part! ;)


what about Toulouse I dont know what year, but there where the bomber games as well.

now that was an exelent tournament!

or the first Joy Masters. hell there where a lot of good Millenniums....

4 cents
To be honest Rancid, taking the wording of my post apart, the fact that Robbo had avoided saying what sparked this whole thread (things like this generally dont come from nowhere) made me even more suspicious. The thread was vague, with little explanation as to why it just appeared. Robbo has since reaffirmed his stance that there he has/had no agenda when he posed the question (I accept this). But, as I said, it felt like a poll and not a discussion type of thing (so why not the poll?).

As I have said I am cynical of the whole machinations of this industry and of the motives behind the people at the higher end of things.

I understand that Robbo, of all people, does not need to go round the houses. But this thread is about more than just the one off super event. proof of this is found in the answers of a few more knowledgeable people. Hell even Robbo has now suggested that someone like missy should go out, get her friends together and get something like this sorted. This is directly resultant of this thread. The thread also goes on to question the whole basis of league series throughout the world. I would suggest that the thread has moved very quickly outside of its original remit.

For me, I would just like to know:

1) Why not a simple poll.

2) What sparked the genesis of this thread. More to the point what lead up to Robbo asking this question?

3) What do the resultant posts from the people in the know mean for the future.


Mother, is that you?
Hey Missy, isnt it about time one of us bought the other lunch?

And I tell u what, with Ralph here we've got the beginnings of a pretty hot old skool 5-man?

Freddie, you know I'd just leave it, and let us all be friends again.

And Hermitt baby, i think you've been watching one too many re-runs of the X-files. My guess is that Robbo didnt do a poll cos a) they are boring and b) he doesnt know how to do one.

Why did he come up with it in the first place? well, I'll have a stab it was summat to do with getting paid to think things up? And cos it was summat that sprang into his mind one minute and he found himself typing the next. I tell u what though, if I was him I'd think twice about ever doing it again, or at least next time publish his sources, documentary evidence and a full bibliography.

You know, if Robbo and Missy had a plan then I think they wouldnt be hatching it in public view - christ they have been mates for 15 years... they dont have to 'conspire' on here.

What does it mean for the future? Erm.....well, if Missy wants to buy me lunch we could talk about supporting anything they wish to do. Or for that matter i think Mr Baldwin may even owe me a burger? To be honest, I'm anyone's for a lobster risotto.

Now, if only Baca was here he'd pour some olive oil on this situ I'm sure.


New Member
May 21, 2004
Visit site
Well this has been a entertaining read for sure. But i do have a question what do you the players want A) a show focused on field quality,ref quality,and a proper structure to make it run smoothly with little side show stuff or B) a show that focuses on the party atmosphere , bands , and a festival feeling to it with fields ,refs, logistical stuff at a mininum.
You can have one or the other but to try and combine them usually leads to somthing getting the short end of the stick.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
What Up the Chewd, I am ready and willing to buy you lunch anytime, hell I spend 16 hours a day eating, so we could make it an all-day thing. Its the 8000 miles that separate us that may hold things up a bit...

Nice 'voice of reason' approach by the way, very diplomatic. I thought Petes original post was relatively innoccuous and easy enough to answer so long as you don't overthink it. Can't really see what all the fuss is about.

In my head, I imagine Hermitt to be secluded in a secret mountain-top cave-hideaway, with a high-tech computor gadgets console on one side, mostly tuned into Paintball forums, and an array of paintball equipment up against the other wall, which he buys exclusively online. On the last wall (sometimes covered by a curtain) there are scrawlings in what looks like blood, that say 'Why isn't there a poll", or "why why why?" over and over again, along with some pics of Robbo pinned up there, and some print-outs of threads he is currently investigating, covered in untidy writing and large question marks. The whole place is rigged with explosives and Hermitt has one of the most impressive security systems on the planet. His hatred of outsiders prevents him attending events himself, but he doesn't miss a thing, and has a small army of informants, cleverly disguised as old french guys, that report back any interesting developments, which he then investigates online. He is hard to please, for sure, and values knowledge of the paintball world above all else. To be honest, its all very cool indeed, and only a little weird once, you know, he 'pulls back the curtain'.

Got carried away, sorry. No offence to my reclusive shell-dwelling friend.
None taken, oh wi(s)(d)e one. To be honest your not too far away from the truth. If only I could let you know exactly what the truth is. Maybe I will when I find out myself. Just that Robbo is definitely hiding it out there somewhere!

Spose there is a reason I have this name, amongst others.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Now, if only Baca was here he'd pour some olive oil on this situ I'm sure.
Matt, if you can make an appearance how can I resist?
Around 3 years ago I stated in the esteemed pages of PGI that the tourney model in use was obsolete. Nothing has occurred to change my mind. Sometime in the last 18 months I suggested an alternative--once more in PGI--as at least a place to start re-thinking how things are done.

Could (would) something like Pete offered be a success? Certainly could be but would a return to the past be a net positive? I'm not so sure about that particularly if it presages a new "series" of events run by the same promotions. If, on the other hand, you had competing promotions putting on one-off events it might be worth looking at because then each promoter would be put in the position of making their event worth attending in competition with the others on offer.

If the MS would like to hear another alternative to make them and Euroball more interesting and relevant they can hit me up here anytime.:)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
None taken, oh wi(s)(d)e one. To be honest your not too far away from the truth. If only I could let you know exactly what the truth is. Maybe I will when I find out myself. Just that Robbo is definitely hiding it out there somewhere!

Spose there is a reason I have this name, amongst others.
Hermitt, I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, I even swore on my kids there was no agenda and I wasn't hiding anything and the genesis of my first post was much like the genesis of everything else that people do, it just came into my fu!kin mind at the time and I just posted the question and the reason I am getting annoyed here is because once again you are accusing me of hiding something when I have come right out and said I am hiding fu!ck all you dumb pr!k.

And before anybody suggests my swearing indicates a lack of intelligence, well, think again, sometimes it don't coz this time, this fu!ckin hermitt guy has pissed me off and save me going round his hovel and bashing his puny little ass, I am taking out on my keyboard.
hermitt, you insulted me one time too many and I am gonna ban your fu!ckin dumb ass outa here and just so's you don't feel all lonely out there in underachieving land, you can have Brockdorff go with ya, laters, enjoy yourselves !!
I am sure you will be every happy together.

And Freddie, on one hand you wanna be treated like an equal and moan if I do not regard you as such, and then if I do treat you like an equal i have got that arrogant prick of a brother of yours telling me not to be soooo nasty to his little sister....awwwwwwwwww......I seem to be hanged if I do and hanged if I don't....... but if I were you Freddie, I wouldn't even come here anymore coz normally I would just ban you but I can't do that can I, I mean, wouldn't do for big bad Pete to go picking on little girls now would it??????
Bye !!!

And nick, one last thing, I really wanted to make you feel small and unimportant today because I was so angry with you but then I remembered something ... I remembered they have mirrors in Denmark too .... that made me feel good inside.

Sorry Matt - I guess the scorpion is always gonna sting the frog :(