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Cheater Boards


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
Why dont all major companies make their boards with only the required modes, psp, nxl, etc with tourny locks and that lot and the nppl make a new rule meaning you can only use the stock board, and the stock board can have a sticker or an other kind of distinguishing mark, so the refs can just open up the grip and can tell straight away if its the stock one or not. Also use dipswitches like the promaster to change modes so yet again, the refs can have a glance and see what mode its on.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
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you missed insurance again. The only way to be safe, is to be Legal. I seem to be typing that a lot these days, but paintball will be destroyed by lawyers, so it helps to protect against them.


Eezo 4 Ultimate!!!
Apr 7, 2006
MissyQ said:
you missed insurance again. The only way to be safe, is to be Legal. I seem to be typing that a lot these days, but paintball will be destroyed by lawyers, so it helps to protect against them.
So how do we be safe, and have a cheat proof method??? Thats the million dollar question......


Eezo 4 Ultimate!!!
Apr 7, 2006
MissyQ said:
I would revise that to read "How do we have a legal and insurable cheat-proof system. "
There you go......... I still think that some sort of approved board only method is really the only way to do it.... there has got to be a way to make a board that is tamper proof... the best people to ask would probably be the people that are in charge of catching the cheats... Zinkham???


Platinum Member
May 8, 2005
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I cannot see a way to make boards standard (they could just be reprogrammed as companies do now for DM and other boards) or use a single controlled chip as other circuitry is needed so who can tell which is actually in control.

I can only see 2 ways of stopping the cheater boards.

1: Only allow mechanical markers :eek:

2: As your chrono'd before the game a device is attached to your barrel which will record/monitor shots. It would need to measure ROF, time between shots and possibly velocity. Any deviation from the allowed ROF or velocity and an alarm goes off as well as the data being recorded for analysis after if needed.
It wouldn't check for breakout modes or adding shots up to the ROF limit unless a trigger sensor was added but it would at least keep everyone within the rules as far as ROF and velocity is concerned which is the main factor for safety.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Tats what i was thinkin

Have a extension to ure barrel which records the ROF, distributed before hand a game, and handed in after, the refs scan it and it shows the top ROF


Better Than Tom36
where theres the know how to make a legal board, theres also the knowhow to make an illegal board... imagine if all cheater boards were scrapped and burned... there would be an opening in the market for cheater boards, and some lucky person would make a mint.

if you had a scanner thing (which i was considering) why not just chop off the bar code, or detectable part and stick it on a cheater board?

a degree in electronical engineering would no doubt be enough to draw up plans to manufacture one.

so to me it seems that the best solution (like i think it was craig said) is to have half of your grip off, ready for the ref to check it when it gets chrono'd, and then its sealed for the day.

still, as the refs get smarter, so will the cheats, some will always slip through the net:(


New Member
Feb 8, 2005
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to avoid the ref's scanning things...why not make it wireless - have the field linked in to a system which could process the shots through an algorithm to pick up precise gaps between shots or ROF's over the allowed, then the system will flag a player who is cheating and a suitable punishment can be decided by the refs.

The only thing would be the increase in profile and change in balance of having it on the end of the barrel. Why not have it with eyes at the end to pick up the shot, then have it processed and transmitted towards the body of the marker.