the slating came from bad marshalling, the bad marshalling did not come as a result of the slating.See the damage caused by all this flaming-one less team prepared to marshal cos of whats written on these forums! No wonder Sparklie can't find anyone to marshal!
We've been very quick to point out superstar marshalling teams such as outcast or tigers AM.
And the slating as such, although harsh, has been constructive.
We've offered Sparklie several options for attracting better marshalling teams, there's not much more that we can do than try to help.
Sparklie can't find anyone to marshall, because the pay off isn't good enough. Give us series points, and give us give us more money and we'll come and do it. And we'll work our butts off, and we'll give you millennium series standard judging.
Sweet n sour, i take it you're offended by our critisim of the marshalling on Sunday. Were you playing or were you marshalling?