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Break up of the euro imminant.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Oh the previous crew on that fateful night was well aware of what icebergs were and indeed how dangerous they can be, I think I read somewhere that the Captain on deck and his relevant crew did not believe the icebergs would come so far down south.

They learned the hard way it seems and even in our times now, the ripples of that Titanic accident travel on because we had to suffer that frikkin film about it ... I much prefer the Poseidon adventure anyway .... it was a good movie in an upside-down sorta way ...


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
I always thought Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling were more appropriate for Dude, Where's My Car? Or Dude, Where's the Money. They were smoking copius quantities of crack too.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Glenn, I try not to enter into political debates mainly because I don't know that much apart from they're all munts [sorry, I sometimes slip back into my cockney slang] which brings me almost seamlessly onto my point; I would just love to see just one, that's all, one politician that possesses an atom of dignity and respect.

You can see their lack of sincerity whenever you stumble upon one of them making a speech at their yearly conventions on TV; they feign sincerity by trying to duplicate mannerisms and actions of individuals who do actually have respect, dignity and a real desire to help people.

They are a bit like the way footballers have gone in the past years where they try to emulate a fall to fool the ref into thinking there had been some form of contact but you can tell straight away if it's a dive or not because as of yet, I haven't seen one footballer who can actually pull off a fall that resembles the real thing .. for some reason, they just can't do it.
The way football is being played now, those guys ain't men; a real man tries not to show pain and not roll around the floor looking like he's had a pipe full of Semtex shoved up his ass .... these guys ain't men, they're fekkin fairies .... Fuhuk it, while I'm at it, let's evacuate the Isle of Wight, round up all the politicians living the 'multi-cultural' dream in their big houses nowhere near where the multi-culturals live and ferry them out to the Isle of Wight; at the same time, we kidnap all the pro footballers and air drop them over the Isle of Wight from a modified 747 [300 politicians on board and only 100 parachutes] make sure the planes camera'd up to the eyeballs and we can watch how they try and save their own skins .... that would sort some men out from the boys I can tell ya :)


I think therefore I am.
Sep 19, 2005
the coalition are quite clearly in the process of meltdown as result the government is needs reform
ah i remember Plato saying in his seventh letter that "there shall be no reform until a politician becomes a true philosopher or a true philosopher becomes a politician" something like that anyway hehe
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300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Glenn, I try not to enter into political debates mainly because I don't know that much apart from they're all munts [sorry, I sometimes slip back into my cockney slang] which brings me almost seamlessly onto my point; I would just love to see just one, that's all, one politician that possesses an atom of dignity and respect.

You can see their lack of sincerity whenever you stumble upon one of them making a speech at their yearly conventions on TV; they feign sincerity by trying to duplicate mannerisms and actions of individuals who do actually have respect, dignity and a real desire to help people.

They are a bit like the way footballers have gone in the past years where they try to emulate a fall to fool the ref into thinking there had been some form of contact but you can tell straight away if it's a dive or not because as of yet, I haven't seen one footballer who can actually pull off a fall that resembles the real thing .. for some reason, they just can't do it.
The way football is being played now, those guys ain't men; a real man tries not to show pain and not roll around the floor looking like he's had a pipe full of Semtex shoved up his ass .... these guys ain't men, they're fekkin fairies .... Fuhuk it, while I'm at it, let's evacuate the Isle of Wight, round up all the politicians living the 'multi-cultural' dream in their big houses nowhere near where the multi-culturals live and ferry them out to the Isle of Wight; at the same time, we kidnap all the pro footballers and air drop them over the Isle of Wight from a modified 747 [300 politicians on board and only 100 parachutes] make sure the planes camera'd up to the eyeballs and we can watch how they try and save their own skins .... that would sort some men out from the boys I can tell ya :)
Awesome - put like 5 blunt edged weapons on the plane as well, see who reacts first and reaches for stuff, that's great TV!


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
The way football is being played now, those guys ain't men; a real man tries not to show pain and not roll around the floor looking like he's had a pipe full of Semtex shoved up his ass .... these guys ain't men, they're fekkin fairies ....
Finally somebody has said exactly what ive been thinking all of these years.

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Just caught up on this thread, it beats reading classifieds anyway

So now 2012 is here what have we got in store? Predictions of a 40 to 60% chance of recession in europe dont sound too clever do they?

If that prediction is realised are the chances of a euro break up more likely? Surely if recession hits, the likes of Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy (let alone Greece) are going to be proferring the begging bowls once again - and how will the Germans view that? The Mark to hit the financial markets again?

Come on Glenn, give us a view!