Well, I don't see Germany willing to underwrite the whole of Southern Europe and Ireland so you're probably spot on. A Euro without the Souther European states (+ Ireland) or a new DeutscheMark (maybe with a bit of Guilder thrown in).If that prediction is realised are the chances of a euro break up more likely? Surely if recession hits, the likes of Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy (let alone Greece) are going to be proferring the begging bowls once again - and how will the Germans view that? The Mark to hit the financial markets again?
Come on Glenn, give us a view!
Italy, France and Germany have to refinance (roll) between 0.6-0.8 trillion of Govt debt this year, first auction up on Thursday. I suspect we will see France loss it's triple A this year placing a lot of pressure on their borrowing costs.
Every indication I see is that the EURO will drop to 1:1.2 against the USD, and possibly on closer to parity. Empty out your holiday change and sell it, buy assault rifles and freeze dried ready meals.