I understand what you are saying, but we have been here before with Stako in the Dock and they have proven that it wasn't their bottle at fault - so what now? - just keep not using them even though the issue might not be the bottle and keep asking them and Hpac to prove they are okay? Training, guidance and slower fills may have meant that with this incident we might have been saying "bloody hell, have you heard that a bottle blew up?!" and it would have been crossfire 1, Stako 1 - but due to the stage where the Stako one went pop it got major publicity.
Oppy, I dont think anything was 'proven' about the first Stako explosion in Madrid as far as i am aware. What was thought is that oil was some how chucked into the mix, conclusions were made that the owner added oil to the fill nipple not from proof, but because a bottle of oil was found near by. Tim/Trevor, can you shed some light on this?
Keka is right, how many other systems apart from this 1 crossfire blowing up when filled have people heard about over the past 10/15 years? Then we have 3 Stakos in the space of a year..
This is no witch hunt, just conclusions based on fact. In my eyes these facts need to be PROVED wrong before these tanks are deemed safe once again.