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BNP on question time

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
The question should be what is the reason behind the programme?
Whose got an agenda here? To be honest doubt its the BNP, they will take any airtime they can get. Seems more like the BBC are trying to exploit the BNP to get tv ratings
Could be wrong..........
Oh dear Nick Griffin is now complaining to the BBC about being set up.
If what I said above is true then how stupid must he feel :D


gunnin down fools in style
Jun 23, 2007
he's stupid anyways :D
nicks just one of those type of people that you just wanna punch in the face:p


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Oh dear Nick Griffin is now complaining to the BBC about being set up.
If what I said above is true then how stupid must he feel :D
About as stupid as he looks.
If you go on question time, expect to be asked questions. Especially if you're the leader of a controversial party.
The guy couldn't answer any of his questions seriously (except where he described why he doesn't like Islam - but he'd practiced that), all he did was shake is head, laugh and clap when someone completely tore holes in his logic, deny everything they'd quoted him on, and spout a load of crap that none of the audience was buying.
There was ONE person who clapped whenever he spoke. Just the one. At any point.

I hate him. I hate his policy. Even if he was miraculously assassinated in the night and some other idiot took his place, I'd still hate them. They're vile.


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
exactly, well said:)
In the words of Tupac "if i upset you dont stress, coz god aint finished with me yet".

The line before it even more so.

Really though it is narrow minded of me to suggest that a church or religious order LEGALLY allows a old man to marry a 9 year old baby and makes a request of him not to have intercourse till she reaches puberty.

Sorry mate that one stuck in my head i was disgusted. I am all for equal rights however that is just morally wrong and beyond sickening. Other then that i just cant see the difference, i dont like or have time for any religion and just let the others enjoy looking forward to an afterlife, but a line must be drawn somewhere.

As for the BNP, just let them lash on and when it goes belly up and they upset a few on the way maybe the top dogs from the other partys might just get the wake up call they need to get their act together, or not. :D


gunnin down fools in style
Jun 23, 2007
yeah chris your right it's sickening, disgusting and wrong in every way possible. but thats just what they think is "normal" but no, it really isnt. things like this make me embarrassed of what i really am.