exactly, well said
In the words of Tupac "if i upset you dont stress, coz god aint finished with me yet".
The line before it even more so.
Really though it is narrow minded of me to suggest that a church or religious order LEGALLY allows a old man to marry a 9 year old baby and makes a request of him not to have intercourse till she reaches puberty.
Sorry mate that one stuck in my head i was disgusted. I am all for equal rights however that is just morally wrong and beyond sickening. Other then that i just cant see the difference, i dont like or have time for any religion and just let the others enjoy looking forward to an afterlife, but a line must be drawn somewhere.
As for the BNP, just let them lash on and when it goes belly up and they upset a few on the way maybe the top dogs from the other partys might just get the wake up call they need to get their act together, or not.