Originally posted by andyp1
im interested to know exactly what the insurance costs, cos from what i can tell, in signing the release form, we stated that we could not hold warped or anyone with anything to do with the event responsible under any circumstances, so what exactly the insurance covered i dont know, very little i guess
Try reading a standard rental insurance waiver - they say almost exactly the same but they still need insurance. The waiver basically covers stuff like "I understand that running around the woods like a nutter means I might trip over or put my foot in a rabbit hole & sprain my ankle - the organisation isn't responsible for that" and "I realise that failing to listen properly to safety instructions and lifting my goggles in the middle of the playing area is dangerous". If organisers are grossly negligent and THAT causes you an injury, e.g. telling you it's OK to take your goggles off in the middle of a firefight, then the insurance will pay out. Even a small site has an annual insurance bill well into 5 figures.
Originally posted by not2well
you would stick up for the comedians who organized the event, you know them. i also realise the cost they had to set out for loos etc. but theres alot of brown nosers sticking up for them.
they want to post a " PUBLIC APOLOGY " .
Anyone who frequents these forums knows well enough that I don't behave like that. I rarely get into a dispute unless I have a general point to make, and have supported people I've never met if I agree with what they are saying. I have no reason whatsoever to "brown nose" to Warped, and don't do that to anyone in the industry whether I'm friends with them or not. Equally, I don't slag down people if I don't know the full facts.
I DO have a bit of knowledge about the costs of running an event, something I would never do myself as I know just how much hard work and hassle is involved. Before I had any involvement in running rental sites I was on here supporting site owners against people who knew nothing about the costs of running those and were proclaiming how the site owners were minting it (they don't).
Try calling up companies like the ones that rented the portaloos, the coach company, the insurers, the suppliers of arm bands etc, and getting an estimate from them. Put some more money in for stuff like the construction materials. Add up the staff costs of say 10 people for 2 weeks before and 4 days after (no idea about the real numbers, but these seem reasonable to me for the work done) and the 50 or so working on the day - on the basis of £50 a day that's staff costs of well over £10k alone, ignoring the work that was done before they had to move venue. See what kind of figure the Forestry Commission quote you for closing off & ripping up a large area of public access land for days on end (BTW, they would have insisted on various kinds of insurance being in place as well). Put some more on top for incidental items like the telephone bills, time for people doing the admin beforehand, postage, petrol for running about............
I've spent enough time trying to educate people who spout on about things they know very little about, then make dismissive and mildly insulting comments about people who try to inform them of real facts. If Warped had cancelled the game then you would all have expected refunds of the full amount despite the work they had already carried out AND you'd all be whining about it. They did their best in very trying circumstances and all you are concerned with is trying to get a freebie out of them because it didn't live up to your personal expectations.