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Big Game: North Vs South = Rip Off


Dec 7, 2004
Sunny Sheffield!
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Ungrateful? For something that we paid for? Eh???

You're gonna be on Warped's side. But having no affiliation to them whatsoever, and in my opinion the big game sucked!

As for stating our ages, it's because some moron decided to comment on the fact that everyone who complained must be a small child under the age of 16. I calm stated that I am far older than 16.

What's with the pathetic losers comment? I could class that as Libel and take you to court. Now, if you don't like my opinions, I don't mind. But calling people pathetic losers and saying that we get out very little will only serve to p*ss people off.

Could you possibly edit your post and remove those comments?


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
Originally posted by EyeFellOva
Ungrateful? For something that we paid for? Eh???

You're gonna be on Warped's side. But having no affiliation to them whatsoever, and in my opinion the big game sucked!

As for stating our ages, it's because some moron decided to comment on the fact that everyone who complained must be a small child under the age of 16. I calm stated that I am far older than 16.

What's with the pathetic losers comment? I could class that as Libel and take you to court. Now, if you don't like my opinions, I don't mind. But calling people pathetic losers and saying that we get out very little will only serve to p*ss people off.

Could you possibly edit your post and remove those comments?
as i said of course i'm gonna be on the rocking side of things cos i busted my a$$ along with countless others to make it as awesome as possible for you guys! thats where the ungrateful comment has come from!

yeah i know he made a snide comment about the age of people! mine was a broad ranged gripe at people who then felt the need to tell us their age! we all pretty much know that your gonna be older! there wasnt really a need to say it! as we are all adults ( in some shape or form)

i'm not gonna edit my post cos ive said it and what has been said has been said! what difference will it make for me to edit and remove?
the post after has stated that i had lost my rag! we all do! and for my rag losing i apologise but when people rubbish others hard work and calling people money hungry just twists my nipples!!
and my second post also stated that the contructive comments made have been taken on board and will be incorperated into the next years event!

tell you what

lets compromise....edit your title and lose the rip off and i'll edit the pathetic losers, cos at the end of they day you guys actually got more for your money considering the extra costs incurred for moving site and all the work that was involved for turning a piece of woodland into a game site in the matter of days, and i admit the comment i made was a little harsh! just wish you guys knew the amount of work and effort the warped guys put into the world of paintball!

peace and fluffy bunnies!


Dec 6, 2004
ward 7
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sick psyko.....

its easy for people to get mouthy on the other side of a computer. so im not going to go on. all i say is if any one has any thing to say they can say it to my face.... ill be at the next "ukpsf big game " in oct. who ever wants to pm me more nearer the time can and ill more than be glad to meet them and discuss any " problems " they have with my comments. i wont carry on other wise well be bitching all day.




the brotherhood
May 16, 2002
isle of man
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cant be assed reading further but

Originally posted by Jack Daniels
at least you have the balls to stand up and say that !!! most people are too interested in licking arse and telling warped what a good job they did "in the circumstances"

dude they had 10 days to build a site from scratch,they had already spent 3 months building the old site,they did do a good job in the circumstances and why would i lick ass:confused: .
we had a decent day out and are glad they didn't cancel it:)


Active Member
Jan 27, 2005
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well, ive watched this bitching develop for some time now, so im gonna add my 2p's worth.

i didnt think it was as good as i hoped it would be, but i guess half the problem was the idiots in the campsite keeping people awake all nite. in turn i was tired and mb didnt get as much out of the day as i could.

i did enjoy hiding out in one of the tents and continuously picking people off and they didnt have a clue where i was, unfortunately 9 pots and a hopper dont last for ever and i had to give up!!!

i thought the marshals did a brilliant job and got well stuck in, matching marshal tops would have been better, as it was hard to distinguish them at times.

the chrono thing has been said before, but ive still got some nicely shaped rings on me from then, was it a case of hot guns or hard paint?? i personally think you get more bounces at 280fps, which in turn leads to more welts, please feel free to express your opinions on this.

all in all, it was ok, i will probably go next year, and then base judgement, as i havent been before, so i have nothing top compare it too.

over and out.
