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Big Game: North Vs South = Rip Off


Apr 1, 2004
Originally posted by Jack Daniels
And i know that it isnt just me that was disenchanted with the game because as soon as i came back on the forums. i found that everyone else had the same opinion.
I woudlnt say everyone, me and my team and everyone i know loved the game.

I do hope it hasnt put you off the big game for good, as you have seen they have taken on board everything you said and you have enjoyed previous years, i highly doubt next years will be the same.

Eye, there is a hell of alot of manpower and equipment and other fees (insurance and stuff i dont know too much about), i guess they are making money, but not THAT much.

The dvd is an independant production company, they are charging you, not warped. Do all the teams in the NPPL get free copies of their dvd of the events? I doubt it (wud surprise me if they do).

I guess thats the shame about the way life is, you cant just do things for love, because the world works around money, and as i said, i dont think they made as much money as you think.

Also about the late start? Well even when it was an hour late
(well there was actually no offical start time) there were still people signing in, and it wasnt just 1 or 2, i think this was also partly the players fault.

I reckon everyone Should chill out, and try next years, because its not like they have a bad track record, everyone should be allowed to "screw up" (which i dont think they did) once in a while.


Veni Vidi Vici
Jul 27, 2001
Cheshire, England
Originally posted by EyeFellOva

Did warped do this for free? No! They charged £45 a head! For 700 players that's £31,500!
I agree that it wasn't the best day out for the money, but it was the best they could do in 2 weeks after the stupid bird thingy. And i don't think they would have made £31.500, they would have to dish out wages and other rental fees, HPAC fees etc. I would guess they would have made a lot less. Plus the paint vendors would be the ones who made the most money.

This was my first Big game and I must admit I was left a little disappointed after all the hype. But I would give the guys another go next year. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the DVD to see if they got my lame ass dive on camera, where I burst a load of balls in my hopper coz I hit the ground soo hard.


The brotherhood
Aug 1, 2003
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£31, 500
- the cost of the site
-public liability insurance( definatly not cheap)
- entertainments license(even though there wasn't any, there was going to be)
-the hire of the marquee and tables
- the hiring of the coaches
-loo hire
-plant hire
-marshals pay
-h pac
-medical cover
- materials for the game area
-fuel costs

+trade stands
+food stall
There will be other expenditures aswell.


The brotherhood
Aug 1, 2003
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Originally posted by EyeFellOva half of the scenario things didn't even happen.

We were promised a 7 hour game, worked out more like 5 1/2. We were promised a well thought out scenario, half of the events didn't happen.

You left the site at 2pm ish(correct me if i'm wrong)_


Dec 7, 2004
Sunny Sheffield!
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Originally posted by EyeFellOva
Did warped do this for free? No! They charged £45 a head! For 700 players that's £31,500! I very much doubt all of that was spent on giving us a good day out
Where in that states that they made £31,500 profit? I know there had to be outlays, for eveything that Bod mentioned and probably more. But I doubt they came away from the day with just their bus fare!

I made that point because a lot of people jumped down my throat, defending Warped as if they did this for free, just for the love of the game!

If you paid £45 to go to a concert and some of the bands you came to see just didn't turn up would you be p*ssed? More than likely! So why should a paintball event be any different?


Dec 7, 2004
Sunny Sheffield!
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Originally posted by BOD
You left the site at 2pm ish(correct me if i'm wrong)_
Correct, and I'm not the only one! How many more left before me? And how many left before the game was over?

I played as much could, I never sat out for more than 5 minutes, but I was fed up! Nothing was happening, even when you tried to make a move, it petered out after about 30 seconds and you were back to lobbing paint across the divide.

If I thought it was worth buying another box of paint and staying for the last 2 hours I would have. But I'd already wasted enough money on the day and throwing another £20 down the toilet seemed pointless!
EyeFellOva try the UKPSF big game normally in October. Sure its not as big as Warped sports but theres always something going on during the day (normally played from 9 am until 4 pm) and if you attempt to make a push during the day theres always heaps loads of bods to back you up. Not to add the plot twists as different factions are trying to achieve different objectives during the day.
Yes there are the same people at this event as the Warped one but you get quite a few tourney players down there who see it as an end of season bash and everybody is just out for the biggest giggle they can have.
Oh and its Stargate themed this year:D :D


Apr 1, 2004
i only used 4k balls on the day, thats because i didnt spend most my time long balling, and i tried to get in there and shoot people (after getting motivated by an angry hatts)

People standing back long balling did hurt the game as it was designed for people to get stuck in, (this was a problem at star wars too, that i was a lil guilty of then, lol)

Eye, hopefully you will enjoy stargate more, but i hope you dont write off warped, and come to the big game next year.


Dec 7, 2004
Sunny Sheffield!
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I'm lookin forward to star wars, and War of the Roses!

I haven't totally written off warped, after all it was my first big game with them. I just think they could have done a better job, even with the additional factors beyond their control.

I'll have to think long and hard about the big game next year. Hopefully they will take on any negative comments and make next years the best big game in history!

But that's a long time away yet, so I'll concentrate on the coming events.

To anyone I have offended or upset by my comments, I apologise and hope they were taken with a pinch of salt. My opinions are my own, and I feel strongly about my right to express them (even when I'm worng :D).

War of the Roses next, Bod's Wild Sling is probably twitching as we speak :D