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Behold, the power of Cheese


Naughty Paintball God
Mar 28, 2002
Norman Park, Georgia
Was, yes.

The scary part is that it lasted over a year. My friend was planning on moving his sites to dedicated servers anyways, so the catastrophic failure of this turd didn't hurt him too badly, other than forcing him to move his timetable up a bit...but the phone call I got when this POS got back to him wasn't pleasant. Not much to be done about it now, but I will flame the ******* responsible for it...he knows who he is. And no worries about this guy offering to build you a webserver in the near future, either...he tried and failed at his own webhosting/development venture...I wonder why?


New Member
Jul 16, 2003
Some where close to your hart
well a 1700 Amd shold be run on a min of a 350 watt and if there was a 350 watt it would give plenty of room for upgardes but if it was a vital PC e.g like you say a web server then a £100 Power supply running at 400 Watts would have been better with at least 2 cooling fans and one on the Chip it self. Since the web server is running 24/7 there would have to be a UPS attacted to it as a bear minimum.

Sounds like you were built a cheap PC useing duff parts. This is very common nowadays and i see it alot in my job.


New Member
Jul 16, 2003
Some where close to your hart
allso just spotted another problem the PWr suppy is mounted directly over the CPU tus causeing the CPU to over heat more than usual. Not good a decent pc allways has the pwr supply well away from the cpu so as not to cause problems with heat.


New Member
Mar 27, 2002
I dunno...I've always been leary of cooling a computer with water...

Now, as far as that so called "web server", here's just some of the problems it had:

The case was used, dirty, and even had coffee or soda stains on it, in addition to several stickers.

The motherboard was missing standoffs.

There were no slot covers at all.

There were loose screws inside the box.

The ATX cover (the part that covers all the on-board connections) was missing.

The only fans that were in it were the CPU fan and the power supply fan.

The CPU was right under the Power Supply which was putting heat on more heat.

It was VERY poorly put together.

And, yes, it was our server (although I'm embarrassed to admit it).


New Member
Jul 16, 2003
Some where close to your hart
well honist opion here ...

1) never ever buy a server off some one who you may call a frend ?
2) dont rely on the so called pro's alot are full of **** ?
3) Allways Buy from a real reputable dealer ?
4) Allways and i mean allways cheek what you have bought ?

trust me i realy do know alot of cowboys who say they know and are full of so called poo....


New Member
Mar 27, 2002
Originally posted by TacticalMayhem
well honist opion here ...

1) never ever buy a server off some one who you may call a frend ?
2) dont rely on the so called pro's alot are full of **** ?
3) Allways Buy from a real reputable dealer ?
4) Allways and i mean allways cheek what you have bought ?

trust me i realy do know alot of cowboys who say they know and are full of so called poo....
Agreed. But this person, at the time, was a business associate and a friend - we had known him for more than two years. He overstated his knowledge on this and other things...

When he first set the server up, it was hacked within a few minutes (he had forgotten to take anonymous users out of the FTP program).

Then, we found out after he left HOW little about linux. Needless to say I had to make a lot of modifications to the server. And, this incident just goes to prove that he knew very little about computers as well.

Thankfully, our sites are now on real servers and run by people who know what they are doing, and hosted at a location that is very reputable.

Live and learn, as they say.


New Member
Jul 16, 2003
Some where close to your hart
ow linux is a butey and i mean buty i love linux to the pure bone. I will endver on this god for saken earth ever thrive to be good at linux cos every day i have some thing new to lern about linux.

Good luck with your venture

I my self are and am a pure borne Hardware computer engineer i deal with hardware from main frame cooled servers to pc at home allso dable ( dable being the word) in the software side of things. If and i meani if anyone ever tells you they know ever thing about PC's they are so full of poo just simply tell them to take a run and jump for there money.

ive been in this bussniess for god nows how long and realy do know i am talking about and allways say sorry i cannot help you if i dont. Ive worked for some majour companys on contact and get payed fairly well and am well respected for what i know. But i allso know and come across way to many cow boys who just take the micky out of peaople and companys way to oftern.

i hate it when this happens and it saddens my soul cos i work so hard to accvive where i am today. I dunno what this all sounds like to your self cos i realy have had to much to drink hope fully not to bad.

dam im off to bed hope things work well out for your self and take care good night.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Who do you work for Tactical? Both north-east based, and both do the same job by the looks of it I have probably came accross you at some point :) Been in the game for about 9 years now :)
