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bassets pole


Apr 21, 2003
cheers mario.

ill sort somet out with them hopefully.
and ill be playing down bassetts pole fron now on, and just use cosford as a spur of the moment thing, when i just want some more laid back ball.

so cheers for all the info guys.

much appreciated.


U sure got'a purdy mouth
May 25, 2003
Somewhere but no one cares
Visit site

i have been playing at npf for 12 years now, Its a great site well run and organised.
its huge they have tooo many fields to mention and they all kick butt.
all site gear is well maintained and reliable (as site kit gets)
own gunners get a nice big area with big tables to sort out your kit, and all the guys and gals down there are helpfull and friendly!!

me and me mates are going on the 23rd aug pm me if you wanna hook up with us


Retired tattooed lout!
The £40 and £50 offers is basicly punter balling (its a bloody good site for punters and they also have a supair) you wont wanna go back to cosford after, believe.

Walk on days are every 2nd and last sunday of a month and you usually get a turn out of roughly 30 walkons and the rest of the 250-300 are punters so at least you get your own game and dont get accused of picking on the customers. (funny were no longer classified as customers is it)

to get from yours, get the metro into b'ham and then catch the 110 outside wall st news, in bull st but they only run somink silly like once every hr, hr1/2

Tell me when your going down because ill try n marshall you, or better still i might play

Anymore questions just ask


oh yer baby!
Dec 4, 2002

Originally posted by TenaciousM
me and me mates are going on the 23rd aug pm me if you wanna hook up with us
Dude, the NPF is not open on the weekend of the 23rd/ 24th of this month! By the way, whats your name? i marshall down at the site!


New Member
Talking about the wild west area, does anyone know the story behind the coffin that leans next to one of the buildings that has Captian J T Kirk on it.

The reason why, I went before it was build and in the "BIG game action" wore my trekkie top and got shot to hell! (did the vulcan hand thing over a bunker to 150 enemy punters....I am kinda hoping to confim my supisions that it was based on my brave/stupid actions.


The germans are coming..........