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bassets pole


Active Member
Jan 26, 2004
hey sup ya can beat the good old npf i went ther on sunday took a good beating on sup air from my own team lol . i got my member ship and i think its money well spent

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
noza, mike from the warped board here :)
take a look at the other bassetts pole thread, bring that one up from the dead if you're that bored.
you'll find theres plenty of players on here who go/have been there.

warped sports

Parksy Big Game 2K5
FAO Ciaran Mooney

Hi Ciaran, explain this please ??

The fields are great to play, and its level ground! Which is better than bloody cosford as its built on a bloody hill, with holes full of crap everywhere.

Full of crap, where!!!!!!!

I know you work for NPF, but this is not very professional of you, if you have got a problem then, call me you know the number and we will talk, you are always having a pop at us now and again and i want to know why??? We have been working with WDP For over 17 years(and you where probably just an itch in your dads pants then ) and our two companys are great friends, this is nothing to do with WDP, its to do with YOU.

Call me if you are a man, if you cant, then shut up, and stop slagging us off.

Paul Parkes


Ich bin ein Berliner!
Paul Parkes,

I have PM'd you with the following message, but I thought I'd make a public apologie as well.

"I would firstly like to apologise for the comments I made, there were a bit exagerated I can see that now.

Though there are parts of the site that are on a steep hill, and a few foxholes, not filled with "crap" but some kind of muddy, not very nice smelling water.

I do work for the NPF/WDP, and the opinions I expressed were my own, and not theres, and as such they should not be held responsible for them in any way.

Once again I apologise."

Matt "Kenny" Pryce

Blatantly out of the loop
Oct 13, 2004
yerr npf is gr8 isnt it! shame i been out of the loop for so long :(
fallopian tubes honestly stu....wat was that about:rolleyes:
once again taking our college down there in feb :D ace site, every newb from my college that went last time loved it an now we got twice as many going 2nd time round :D plus two teachers ;)
ps: NEVER go 4 on 14 on farm house - all the firepower in the world cant prepare you for the massess of punters sticking their guns through the windows