Summary of what's gone on, just for Little Jon as he's at least trying to show some interest.
A discussion on the politics surrounding the US tournament scene moved into a discussion on what's the next step in improving tournaments.
Robbo had some ideas which he put down and Chris (Raehl), who is an official person in the US College paintball scene, disagreed. Many people then piled in all supporting Robbo, and Chris just kept reiterating the same arguments as before no matter what anyone else said. Robbo then decided to use his superpowers to lock the thread, thereby showing great restraint for him as he doesn't appear to have banned Chris (yet).
Hence banging your head against a brick wall - whatever we said had absolutely no effect on Chris, just like your head having no effect on the wall.
New nomination for the Christmas awards - Robbo for NOT banning Chris in a fit of temper!