at swat we enforce the surrender rule, and why you may ask, ok for pro's to mug and point blank, even head shoot each other, which in theory is a mug or be mugged world, most pro players accept this as part of the game even though it ****in hurts like hell and in some cases like campaign players were suffering from mild concusion.
novice players and first timers however at our site are generally kids and ladies, who would like to be surrendard rather than point blanked, you three player pull out was the right decision we do the same, "guy creeps up-three with there backs against em SURRENDER they are all out" also enforce the marshals decsion is final, not good pr to swear at them as this hightens the tensions, we generally apologise, "sorry guys he got the drop on ya, your all dead" even 6 foot no neck meat heads dont argue with that one" and of course is based on experience, so yeah stand your ground you are the law on the field, if all else fails whip em with your squeegie'
head shots count and should be avoided guns shots also count