player registration ?!?
Teams will simply not be allowed to play out of division.
but how can u be sure of that
i'm not talking about known teams
but new teams who can easily sign up for rookie division games or so it seems
but let's say for sake's argument
the 5 guys form Avalanche who left set up a new team
and for some strange reason there is a Rookie series where they can win 50000 $ in prizes per event (in or out of industry prices)
how can u make sure that they won't enter there
after all they are a new team ??
shouldn't any (Sporting) organisation if it wants to be taken seriously make sure that the basis of their structure (their members) are decently registered ?
and why shouldn't it be enforced ??
so for the millenium events showing your driverslicense/ passports before entering the event should/could be standard procedure
just to make sure the players who are playing are who they claim to be
it is already said that paintball has some huge prizes compared to other sports, if u want to be eligible to win prizes u have to be willing to state your real identity or is that too much too ask ??