
The problem here is that you're wrong. Taking away prizes from the lowest division will have NO AFFECT on attendence. People who were playing for prizes can pay the same entry, entery the next highest division, play LESS teams, and have a shot at prizes.Originally posted by TNG
raehl, first off I don't ever recall implying in any way that the prizes should be handed out equally. I'm not in favor of a communist paintball series. The point I was trying to make is that promoters want teams to show up to their events. The more teams for them the better off they are, I think we can agree on that. However if said promoter stopped handing out prizes for the lowest level, soon it would be to their detrement because they would begin to lose paying customers.
People who would rather play newbie teams than have prizes will play in the lowest division and not have prizes. They wern't winning any prizes anyway, so they don't care.
They don't deserve anything other than the chance to parade around. Why do you think that sucking enough to play in the lowest division is a reason to get prizes?like I said before, there is no full-proof way to prevent sandbagging. But eliminating all prizes at the lowest level would only hurt paintball's growth by not giving any teams at the lowest spectrum any incentive other then the chance to parade around as the am. z champs, lucky them.
[qupte]Oh, and why did you say that I made no sense, is it because it made no sense to you? And I guess that's also why I was wrong not once, but twice right, because I didn't agree with what you had to say?[/quote]
No, I said that because you made no sense. You were attempting to argue that a system didn't work because it accomplished exactly what it was supposed to - saying that the system for getting people to advance divisions was flawed because it would get people to advance divisions.
I do play. I'd be willing to bet I'm a LOT more in touch with the players than you are. You seem to think that all players play for the prizes, and that's not true. It *CAN'T* be true, because 80-90% of the teams don't win prizes. Take NPPL/PSP for example: 80+ teams in the Novice division, 8 teams win prizes - that means 90% of the teams win nothing, yet they STILL go to the event. Even if you assume half of them thought they'd win something, that still leaves you with 40 teams who paid their entry fee to play even though they had *NO* reasonable expectation of winning anything.Chris, before you start trying to make decisions with the player in mind, try becoming a player. Instead of playing "college" paintball or organizing it or whatever it is you may do, sac up and play in a "real" series and then talk to me about tournament paintball and what's best for the players.
So that means that when you say teams won't play unless there are prizes, you are WRONG. Period.
Some people play touraments because they *LIKE* playing. It's fun, and prizes or no prizes, they'll continue to do it - in fact, many teams would be quite willing to have no shot at prizes (considering they already have no shot, no matter what the top teams in their division win) if it meant they got to play against nicer teams of a similar skill level also not obsessed with winning prizes.
- Chris