Originally posted by mikeyR
OK Ill expand on the Cheap and Lazy, it looks cheap and lazy because putting different coloured boxes on a page dont take a hell of lot of designer know how.
My opinions are just that, my opinion and not meant to upset any one. Im sure the guys at PGI have broad enough shoulders to cope. And I'm only the first to complain, if Im the one and only then right me off as a crackpot. If, however, other people have the same opinion as me then their must be something to this opinion.
And Rancid, opinions are like rsoles, every ones got one, including you
MikeyR, I'm afraid great design can be equally described as 'puting different coloured boxes on a page' as you well, or rather, should know.
I don't think for one second you are unique, I am sure others might well agree with your dislike of the new re-design but approvalists, even tacit ones are less likely to voice their opinions on these boards, it is the nature of people to more readily be predisposed to bitching than applauding so we ain't gonna lose no sleep over yours and a few other people's 'opinions'.
As paintball evolves to embrace the youth element amongst us, and significant driving influences from across the pond begin to filter thru to things like magazine design, dress, styles etc, we at PGI have to go with that trend or look dated, it's as simple as that.
We either grow with the sport or we die.
Now, I never liked the idea of semis being introduced into paintball all those years ago, I hated them but twelve years on, the adoption of semis has transformed our sport into a technical and tactical hotbed that would not have been possible with pumps...basically...we evolved for the better.
A lot of hard work and effort went into produce this magazine, we at PGI, even an old fart like me, agreed we needed to change the image and become more edgy.
We believe we have achieved that and will continue to respond to market and design forces that pervade our market place as it does in every other single industry.
And as for describing the design of my article as 'snide', what exactly does snide mean in this context ?
And just for the record, and I am not saying this to back up PGI's defence, I really like the design, it's fackin awesome.
Telling us you believe it to be 'cheap and lazy' is not just an observation, it's a frikkin insult because lots of talented people worked very hard on this.
But as you say, everybody's entitled to an opinion, even one such as yours.
Have a nice day !