Originally posted by manike
But they played what is the equivalent of Novice over here (AM B).
But one point you are missing is that they are not the 'Average' USA novice. Not by a long way. They are one of the best USA Novice teams, and really ought to be looking at AM status soon. Our average novice team would be behind the average USA novice team yes, but you would still win some and loose some. And have quite a time doing it!
The bad thing about teams at the top of their divisions in the USA is that they refuse to move up until they think they will be in the top of the next division up. It's not unheard of to see an Amateur team kicking arse for several seasons, then moving up and kicking arse in pro also. Strange and the Dogs come to mind.
As this thread seems to of jacked itself into a US v UK playing style, I would make this comment.
I watched Wicked in all of their Friday afternoon games at Campaign, (which if memory serves include the Apoc game on the Draxxus field? and if I'm right you played well against them).
The difference I noticed between them(and other US teams) and UK/European teams was their movement of players due to a manic amount of paint being fired forward (those Timmys are sweet). Not only was the suppression fire intense, they dont play with a 'traditional' back player, who goes to the corner and stays there the whole game. Their back player is as fast as their front player and will get involved further up the field at some stage, not just sit and wait. I got talking to some of the Wicked players and they said:
" We come from So Cal and this is how we play, everyone does!"
With the exception of some UK/European teams, until we embrace a more fluid, fast style of play, UK/European teams will not be able to compete.
The days of the fat back man are numbered