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Oct 31, 2001
Beds, UK
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Originally posted by stongl
I have no problem with the magazine being US focused, as this is where the highest evolution of the game is played. I want to know who done what, and how they did it. Surely if you want to succeed in this "quasi-sport", then you need to look and learn from it's highest level. The techniques employed at this level of the game, understanding and learning these are the only way to improve. Too many Brit ballers are only interested in the game at their local level, or the "I can roll my e-blade at 22 bps, never had to run to a secondary cos I can download 10 pots without movement, so I must be good", school of thought isn't taking the UK game anywhere.
Your average Brit-baller is probably exactly how you describe, interested at a local level only. But then is it any wonder.

The financial side of paintball is very different here to what it is state-side. I'm sure, given the finance, many Brit teams would jump at the chance to go and play in the States.. in fact I would put money on the U.K. Tourney scene suffering badly if State-side play were a viable option for most U.K. teams.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess at costs but, for example, I reckon the total for entering the CPL next year, at £450/team for 6 rounds (£2700) works out roughly the same as sending 8 team members to one Super Seven Tournament state-side.

Given that, at best, one a year is the most many teams would be able to afford if they sacrificed more local events, is it any wonder they are not really that interested in what happens tourney-wise in the U.S? I'm sure many are interested in the techniques used at the highest levels, as am I, but when do they get chance to see those techniques or get taught how to do them?

It's a vicious circle, given that most Brit-Teams, even if they forked out and went over, may/would probably* end up having their arses handed to them.

When I see adverts up for tournaments in the states that last one day, involve maybe 10-15 5-man teams in Hicksville county, and the winning team get 5 Impulses as prizes I wonder how the hell we brits are supposed to compete with that level of funding.. I don't want a new impulse but selling the damn thing could pay for my part of a trip to a U.S. Super Seven event...

For many it comes down to an entire series over a single event, and understandable for them, the entire series wins. Hell, some teams cannot afford to turn up at every leg of an entire series.

Outside of the funding issue there is the "where do we train" issue. Apoc have had a 5-man tubed field for a while that is now just about had it and will be getting a tubeless field in the near future. Because we have a site we have somewhere to put it up, clean it, store it, etc etc. Many teams do not have that. Many teams training regimes involve playing in the M-25, the Midland Masters, the Series 2K3, the SWPL, and doing one-off specials like the Welsh Open. Without somewhere to train, are they ever going to be able to compete at the highest level? Without someone to show them where they are going wrong, and to instruct them on how to do it professionally, are they ever going to compete at the highest level? Personally, I think not.

Many Brit Teams, even though they train, really have no idea what they are doing. Sure, their training may help them win local stuff but without someone who really knows what's what, they will almost certainly be missing the knowledge that would push their game to new heights.

For many teams, as soon as players start showing promise, they get offered spots on better funded, better sponsored teams. Some teams fold as some of their players move on up. For individuals in paintball it is relatively easy to move up the ladder, if you're prepared to put in the work - for entire teams it is a damn sight harder.

While I would agree there are a number of "22bps, non-mover" players around, there are also a lot of "I wish I could but I don't now how" players..

I don't think that malaise is necessarily the main problem here in the U.K... but I guess this post put's me firmly in the "woe is me, life is unfair" category. ;)


*delete as applicable


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Urban, one of the things that amazed me when I started playing around the world was that it was often cheaper to play an event in the USA than play one in Europe (and sometimes the UK at big events).

Hotels, cars, food and paintball are all cheaper in the USA.

The only thing more expensive is flights and taking extra time off work, but if you book or early or get bargain flights then you can be on an absolute winner.

It's not as prohibitive as many people think, and I urge everyone to try it.

From the sounds of it my accomodation for a week at World Cup and the rental vehicle (if I share in the team van, and don't get the Mustang I am thinking about going for...) is going to come to $160. So around £100... for the WHOLE week!

On top of that food can be as cheap or expensive as you want.

Flights are a bit bad because it is half term, but If I had got my arse in gear and booked them early (I don't know why I don't since I go every year!) I could have got them pretty darn cheap. For the last few years up until last year you could also have bought paint at $20 a case on site... :eek: not sure what you can get it for now, but there are often offers to be had.

I love seeing what is going on around the World in the Mag's and it just makes me want to attend more of the events. I would be at every single event if I could. I guess I'm not the average baller, but it's great to see what is out there and what you could be doing if you wanted to...

Ms Bossy

wotever :o)
Aug 26, 2002
The new retro look reminds me of the old Paintball Adventures mag:confused:

Well thats me off the pgi towers christmas card list:rolleyes:


This Bud's for you...

Finally, somebody sees the look we were going for...:rolleyes:


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
OK so my take on the new Magazine.

I'm sat here with the new and old PGI and the latest copy of Facefull.

I must admit my first impressions of the cover were not so positive, but sat with it side by side with the old cover I prefer it. Defnitely. And it sits very well against Facefull which I have to say I do like the cover style of. I think it will stand out better on the shelves and catch the eye of people easier.

The title bar comes across as more 'mature'. I'm not sure if that is exactly the right term, but it just seems to have a better presence than the old style 'Paintball'. That said, I do think there is 'something' missing from it, but I can't put my finger on what exactly. Maybe you do need a logo? not sure.

It's defnitely more modern. I love the way the photography has been going in PGI over the last year or so, and that's continued from the previous PGI and isn't something to specifically comment on other than to say keep it up! so I don't see any change there, but I also like the way the front cover comes across with the new title bars.

Looking at PGI. 174 and the new 175, I love both cover pictures, but think the style of text and layout on 174 is not as 'classy' as 175. It's definitely a more modern look.

Now getting inside the magazine...Is it me or does the new layout seem to make the magazine feel as if it has more content? Maybe this edition is packed with more, but it really feels like it.

I usually pick up a magazine and skim read it and feel like I have read the whole thing. I don't feel like that at all with the new version. Actually one reason it has taken me so long to write my thoughts is because I haven't had time to actually feel like I have given the new magazine decent consideration and taken on board all the content and new layout.

It's much harder to skim through without having to stop and see what is going on in the articles. I think this is a good thing? Maybe it's the smaller font size? not sure. But I definitely feel like it's more value for the money. (yeah Duffy I know and thanks ;) )

Bit's I don't like... far too much pink!!! ;)

Many of the sections are great, but the layout of the dope section on page 50 and then 55, is a little confusing. If you don't know what you are looking at you have to spend a while placing the text to the picture, and text to hybrid picture on page 50 is to be found on page 55. It's a small issue but if I have to try and place text with picture and take time to do it in an area I am specifically interested in, then I expect most 12-17yr olds ballers would have just skipped to the next page already. Oh and too much pink on that page also... :D

The Mix of black and white imagery is very interesting. It immediately reminds me of USA magazines. It was something I used to associate with a lower quality production of magazines I'd buy in the USA (mainly about cars and motorbikes), but here it is obviously done for effect and although I feel a little uncomfortable with it because of previous experineces, I think I like it. I think black and white can be very powerful when done right. And I think you are close to that. From my personal point of view, I love black and white imagery of players and action. Absolutely. BUT I hate it in technical articles or reviews when I really want to see the product, anno match and components etc. For instance it's GREAT on page 109 with Alex and LB, but sucks (in my opinion) on pages 56 and 57 where I really want to see what the gun looks like but the only close up/non blurred pics are in black and white. Does what I mean there make sense to anyone else?

One thing that does bug me a bit is I liked the internal titles inside the older version better. The new font is 'so so' for me, and I really dislike the way some of the titles are lower case. I know a lot of USA kiddies disregard proper grammar and use of English, but I would hope publications would be a little more responsible in keeping such things (although I can also understand why it may appeal more if you don't, doesn't mean I have to like it though).

In terms of the market place you are looking to work I think it should be very succesful. It would be interesting to start this sort of a thread on other more USA related web boards and see their response.

In general I think it is a good move forwards. Fo shizzle.

Sorry for the War and Peace, thanks to Duffy.

Oh and less pink please... more blue!


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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fo'shizzle, I hear what your saying and whilst you make good points, one stands out

"I wish I could but don't know better".

I feel that one of PGIs strengths through the website and particularly the magazine is tips on improving your game, this is further reinforced with the player features (like the one on ones etc). Now this takes you so far, but relies a lot on you as an individual to practice those drills, skills and frills. However this is far from perfect as without someone putting you correct, you may repetitively learn a mistake into your snap shooting / movement etc.

Here PGI is giving you a skill map, and areas of importance. It is interesting to read how to deconstruct elements of the game into manageable chunks, it does give you something to work on. However I accept that this will only take you so far.

What the UK lacks is coaching and mentoring for players. It's all too easy to say lets train, what actually happens is a disparate bunch of players just play repetitive scrimmages with no thought as to what is being done / achieved (or importantly what is going wrong).

If my memory serves me correctly (it's been a long day), PGI has run articles on coaching etc which is more a US phenomenon, than it currently is here. And I think this shows us the way UK ball needs to go (thus validating further it's slightly pro-us leaning).

IMHO UK balling (with few exceptions), takes the easiest option. Our version of training is turning up at your local Airball field playing 4 on 4s, 5 on 5s with whoever's about. That's not training that's a waste of time and paint. We could go on and on all day with this, but perhaps better left to another thread (you make observations I agree with).

To sum up, PGI must cater towards is primary market (youngish US players), if it is to survive. If we wanna improve as a balling nation we better take note of what's happening else where, rather than being bothered whose no 86, 87 or 88 in the UK rankings. Stylistically if this what that market demands, that's what and how PGI should be delivered. I like it, it has a quality feel (materials), and does not appear to cater to a tiny minority of the population. And besides all those UK ballers who bemoan not being a Sport, we need to display ourselves in a jazzy light (as per the presentation and use of photography), not boring as UK ball is to watch (UK ball on TV?, no thanks I'm having Chinese water torture tonight).

Quite simply it is light years ahead content and style wise (mind you I'm such a ho I do quite like Facefull :rolleyes: ), than other publications on offer here.


New Member
Oct 31, 2001
Beds, UK
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Originally posted by manike
Urban, one of the things that amazed me when I started playing around the world was that it was often cheaper to play an event in the USA than play one in Europe (and sometimes the UK at big events).

Hotels, cars, food and paintball are all cheaper in the USA.

The only thing more expensive is flights and taking extra time off work, but if you book or early or get bargain flights then you can be on an absolute winner.

It's not as prohibitive as many people think, and I urge everyone to try it.

From the sounds of it my accomodation for a week at World Cup and the rental vehicle (if I share in the team van, and don't get the Mustang I am thinking about going for...) is going to come to $160. So around £100... for the WHOLE week!

On top of that food can be as cheap or expensive as you want.

£100 accomodation and vehicle.. not bad. Add entry fee, paint, flights and food and it really does look like it's close to the £2700 for an 8-man squad to go over... unless you're talking sub-£150 flights. So £300 per person seems a likely figure? I could do it tomorrow but quite a few players would struggle to find that kind of money, even over a period.

The point still remains that most Brit teams would get caned for the outlay. Wicked played Am-B at Campaign and apparently post Novice State-side.. good guys to play, and we managed to get them panicked when we played them, but if they are Novice in the States...

I would love for Apoc to travel state-side. I do believe it would be a great experience for us but we're not going to go over to make up the numbers or act as cannon fodder. Hell, we're even considering approaching some of the top pro's in this country, and people like Robbo who know what's what, with a handful of cash, and waving it under their nose, saying "Fancy a day/weekend coaching us?"

If we can pull our game up then I have little doubt the lads would love to go world-wide, but until that happens we're not going to throw money away just to be there.



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Originally posted by Urban
Hell, we're even considering approaching some of the top pro's in this country, and people like Robbo who know what's what, with a handful of cash, and waving it under their nose, saying "Fancy a day/weekend coaching us?"

If we can pull our game up then I have little doubt the lads would love to go world-wide, but until that happens we're not going to throw money away just to be there.

hmmmm, great minds, great minds Rodderss.

We've already put a classified up for a Mr Miyagi, no applications as yet.

Mr Mayagi