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A Word / Poem On Ramping


Clan, back for 09.
May 12, 2002
Did anybody ask what the players wanted?
I may have missed the conversation and if I did I appologise, but did anybody?

No red writing in sight. :D


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
It's not Busy bodies who are going to cause trouble for paintball, it's irate ballers writting off all half-cocked to the HO which will bring their attention to paintball more closely.

Can folks not just trust that people who organise tournaments, and who have a long term and heavy financial commitment to paintball would not do somethign to jeapordise it's existence?

I know, I'll invest many thousands of my own money, and then make a fundamental change which could possibly close down paintball forever, thus leaving me massively out of pocket.

Personally, I don't think ANYONE could be that stupid.

Although I am tempted to sell up all of my kit and get out of paintball totally because it's about to be banned due to people firing off letters that they don't need to...


Sep 22, 2002
Originally posted by chunk.Clan
Did anybody ask what the players wanted?
I may have missed the conversation and if I did I appologise, but did anybody?

No red writing in sight. :D
As far as I am aware it was discussed and agreed at the P.A. managers meeting earlier this year (which I missed).

Originally posted by Mad Dog
..........this year I have been contacted by two parents who's sons have been arrested for possessing a paintball gun and threatened with being charged for possession of a firearm. A quick reference to the UKPSF web site followed by them showing the police and it became a warning and threat of the ASB act 2003.
Surely to be arrested, they would had to have been in a public place. Were they on their way to an event or training? Did they also have the markers in a bag? Were they old enough to be in possesion of the markers?
If the answer is no to these, then I am sorry they should have been arrested!
If they were carrying them legitimatly, then how did they conduct themselves with the officers concerned? Attitude when in a situation with the police is always important and can normally decide how a situation will pan out.

The home office have no set guidelines for the paintball markers and the "up to the court to decide" is their way of covering their own backs.

I am sure the P.A., Planet, Smart Parts, WDP and all the other manufactures would have looked into the legal ramifications of offering ramping software upgrades. Had they been illegal the police would have acted by now to stop them, end of. Major companies are not going to offer a service that would end up with their staff doing a 5 year holiday in prison.


Clan, back for 09.
May 12, 2002
Again Ben you have made me look like an a$$. ;)
Majority thinks it a good thing plus discussion at PA managers meeting and they decided it would be the best option so there you go.


Ambassador of BOING!
Majority? From reading the extensive forum arguments Chunk i'd say it's about a 50/50. Personally i'm on the fence about it now, and time will tell.

Using/brandishing any kind of air weapon in public can get you arrested. There are specific laws detailing where you can/can't fire an air weapon and while it appears that there is no specific law regarding assisted fire modes it is worth bearing in mind that even firing those sponge NERF arrows at each other in a public place can be considered ASSAULT, which is an arrestable offence (Speaking from personal experience, received a caution in my teenage years for firing them in a carpark!)....it's a weird, weird world out there :p

The key here is act responsibly with a marker in public, keep it covered, keep it in a case, don't P*ss about with it, and any ramping rule is not going to attract the unwanted attention that's unnerving a large proportion of the player base.

Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Re: Re: The Word On Ramping

Originally posted by mad dog
This was said to me as many emails have come in saying I am right, because like a good boy I research everything, and sometimes I am wrong, then up goes my hand and I learn the correct answer when I am wrong, so tell me this will I or anybody else be done for carrying a marker on ramping mode in this country........ Also Do you know what the fine is / time in jail lol

The quote was
"Nope, you're spot on, the whole country runs like this, ignoring stuff until it all comes crashing down. Pistol clubs didn't regulate as much as they should..... nutters were getting hold of weapons, Dunblaine would have happened anyway, but the poor regulation of pistol ownership gave the government a scape goat. There was probably someone like yourself in early 1996........ concerned and trying to sort something, but told to be quiet. It may all be worries over nothing, but I've yet to see the letter that confirms it's OK".

I am done now, your left to make your thoughts heard as I feel I have had enough and somebody needed to just speak about it

I am on here because russel cant edit me here and stops him writing red stuff below everything I say, covering his ass. some good points I must add though
Mark, you use an Angel yes? A 4Fly if your sig is accurate. Well, they have ramping capability as stock (before PSP 3.9 software) as well as a capped full auto mode as standard. Why now have you decided you may go to the big house for possessing one?

Do you not think a company like WDP will already be aware of the legality of such modes? I can't see them not knowing the law in this respect can you? :rolleyes:

Also, I don't worry about going to jail becasue any paintballer with a grain of common sense empties and detaches the airsource from their marker at the end of each tourney, removes the barrel and loader and packs it all away.

Even if somebody nicked all my kit there is no air in it - how can they do anything with it when the only place you can get air is a site etc?

How can I get done when the HO has already stated that due to the specification of paintball markers it does not class them as a firearm?


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by Ben Frain
Just trying, in some small way, to get back for the dreadful loss we suffered at your hands last Sunday mate ;) :D
Its all in the coaching.. apart from in Chunks case when I tell him anything that will result in him being shot it the nuts!! :p

After playing with a 15bps Ion on the weekend though all I can say is there is going to be a lot of potting up going on!!

Paintball Paladin

Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
It's not Busy bodies who are going to cause trouble for paintball, it's irate ballers writting off all half-cocked to the HO which will bring their attention to paintball more closely.

Can folks not just trust that people who organise tournaments, and who have a long term and heavy financial commitment to paintball would not do somethign to jeapordise it's existence?

I know, I'll invest many thousands of my own money, and then make a fundamental change which could possibly close down paintball forever, thus leaving me massively out of pocket.

Personally, I don't think ANYONE could be that stupid.

Although I am tempted to sell up all of my kit and get out of paintball totally because it's about to be banned due to people firing off letters that they don't need to...
You've got a point but that means that anyone who goes into business should never ever come out at the other end with a loss. Same goes for investments etc. People who have been in the trade for decades still make mistakes

And that is the point, just because someone experienced with a financial interest makes the decisions they think are right doesn't mean they are. as humans we cock up and those errors have consequences, financially and otherwise. We've just got to hope they are right because we really dont have a choice.

I'm with pump and splat and firmly on the fence with this one. Time will only tell. I'm sure if it doesn't work then they'll change it

test and learn

tuppence worth in the bag