Can’t you tell the paintball season is over; its only been a couple of weeks and everyone is ready to bunker everyone.
I can only speak on the behalf of SPC:
SAD started tournaments back when dinosaurs roamed the earth (Well Blakey and his crew, woops that’s me

), started with the 4 Seasons then the Midlands Masters, KOTH and now PGI Centre 7’s under the flag ship name of SPC.
SPC goal is to keep improving the tournament series within the UK and hopefully to expand it to other countries in the years to come.
As for the dates for the PGI Centre 7’s, Midlands Masters & KOTH we tried to arrange these events around Millennium Series and other series within the UK.
If the dates clashed with any of PA date then its just two organisation thinking on the same lines, nothing more or less.
As people have stated, the PA series is more to encourage teams within towns & cities to compete between each other on a nation scale. We don’t intend to follow this interest; all we wish to do is to put on, as always, the best tournaments within the UK.
With the help PGI, we should raise the profile of UK teams on the international scene, ensuring that a steady growth of interest by sponsors in the UK and abroad.
I hope this clears up some of the muck slinging that’s going around, SPC hope the PA series dose well and looks forward to reading about its adventures in the coming months.