Niall & Maggot...
... first off - please don't gte me wrong. I now that the organizers care deeply about the series. You all do a fantastic job - especially for a bunch of ungrateful S.O.B.s like us

However my view on things are as follows:
1) If you can't deal with the huge, obvious & potinetially devastating behaviour - hotel trashing, gun throwing, threatening of organizers etc. how can you begin to attempt to control the dead box situation. It is a hell of lot easier to lay down the law from a position of authority (or fear for that matter) than one of weakness & the perception of being wishy washy.
There is an old story about what to do when you are thrown in jail. You should find the biggest, nastiest mo'fo in the joint and pick a fight with him. You will either be feared because you kicked his ass or you will be left alone because the rest think you are insane.
2) There needs to be an independant rules & enforcement group that has nothing to do with the organizers. This group needs to re-write the rules so that any idiot can understand them, and this group - not the organizers are the ones responsible for dealing with unsportsmanlike conduct.
A perfect example is the Campaign situation - it should not have been up to Niall to have to deal with Richmond or any players that threaten him, it should be the rules committee
Another thing that can be done is put together a list of say the top 30 pro players in the Millennium and have them organized into a group of ultimate refs. This group will then be available to act as field ultimates for tournaments that they are not playing in - at the Millennium series expense of course. What this would do is ensure that at least the ultimates on each field where on the same page when it comes to interpreting the rules.
If we could get a grip on the shoddy state of the rules & their enforcement, the whole deadbox discussion will become a non-issue. We have the opportunity to put an end to terrible behaviour while the series is still young. I think we should do it now before it gets out of hand.
P.S. Niall if he is a Canadian Moose - I am a Canadian goose - then we might be related. Oh yeah - where's my DVD?? (sorry couldn't resist

P.P.S Maggot I have some other ideas - let's talk on the weekend in Markaryd.