The value for money overall was better then and the cost was lower .... we also need to address ramping, it sucks !!!!
And I hate the sideline coaching cr@p we see .... the list goes on .....
Definitely, I agree there. While ramping has made playing at higher levels more accessible for those early starters who have the big moves but not the fast fingers, it's also lead to more overshooting, excessive paint bills and less on field movement (more consistent lanes). Coaching is a real strange one, it brings more people into the game and gives the game another twist but it works negatively in terms of field movement too.
As for 3 man and two man?
As far as I know, they were never really popular anyway and so can be effectively disregarded.
I brought up 3man and 2man because i was suggesting you look at another format before deciding that the best change was to go back to 7man. The 3man pump tournament at UKM Ancaster last year was probably the most fun i've ever had playing paintball (I didn't care what result we'd got, thought I was pleasantly surprised when we finished first). I suppose the "more players, cheaper pb" idea kills it though.
Did anything come of that new format with an area that had to be held in the centre of the field? From memory, I think Bolter played it but I can't remember anything else really
Am I the only one that thinks 7man might not be the best format to change to?