How does it leave us emotionally and spiritually?
that would depend on whether you beleive it to be true far too many people would just continue to beleive in their particular religious standpoint regard less of accepted scientific fact. How many provable scietific facts are now debated by humans ? tons- see evolution as an example
Would we become morally debased?
no morality is an artificial construct - created by humans aas a way of controling and regulating society - essentially other humnas and ther behaviour . Morality is codified into laws the ten commandments for the basis of most legal systems. Atheists wuld feel very smug tho
Would it create mass hysteria?
Would Arsenal finally field some English players?
all of the above are unlikely as the cause of most mass public disorder is usually economic not philosophical .
How would our world turn upside down.....or wouldn't it turn at all???
Over to you guys ....[/quote]
How does it leave us emotionally and spiritually?
that would depend on whether you beleive it to be true far too many people would just continue to beleive in their particular religious standpoint regard less of accepted scientific fact. How many provable scietific facts are now debated by humans ? tons- see evolution as an example
Would we become morally debased?
no morality is an artificial construct - created by humans aas a way of controling and regulating society - essentially other humnas and ther behaviour . Morality is codified into laws the ten commandments for the basis of most legal systems. Atheists wuld feel very smug tho
Would it create mass hysteria?
Would Arsenal finally field some English players?
all of the above are unlikely as the cause of most mass public disorder is usually economic not philosophical .
How would our world turn upside down.....or wouldn't it turn at all???
Over to you guys ....[/quote]