Most religions are based on astrological type stuff anyways then the stories came after. Right from the time man evolved to modern beliefs.
Religion to me is just words that try and make people better and the world a better place. However as we evolove more we seem to forget that these were simply storys from wise and or wonderful people.
The problem with religion to me is people use it as a weapon whether that be for money or power or security or whatever they still use it as a tool.
If everyone just said ok there was a "thing" that we can call god (in my mind the universe itself is god and created itself) "its" name does not matter, neither does it matter which story or which wise man told it. Then everyone will get on alot better and make the world how "god" wanted it.
Do i think i will go to a lovely place when i die? Do i believe i wil go to a horrible place when i die? No is the simple answer to both. Do i believe that i will live forever 'at piece' then yes i do. Quite simply we are making history right now however small our contribution, from being a brain surgeon to a scum bag who just carries a disease or poisons peoples minds, we are all still making a difference for the future. Even a scrum bag has a job to do in creating a future and a past because without them there would be no point in bettering ourselves or wanting to move forward these people are what motivates others to think act and want to be better