The way i always look at it is... Even if someone, ANYONE, reading the threads is inspired by the tinyest part of a post then the the thread and or the forum done something positive.
Even if the tinyest little part inspires someone then its a bonus. Personally i just burble sh!t, whatever is in my head at the time etc but if a small part makes someone reflect and look at things from another persons perspective whether its right or wrong or as a whole as apose to blinkers on then i feel i/we have accomplished something.
What i type or say is meaningless as everyone thinks differently, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. But if just reading a poorly written post on a internet forum makes someone inspire to be better or reflect or think for themselves then i think it cant be a bad 'thing'.
I wouldnt profess to know everything or indeed anything but if someone reads and thinks for themselves then whatever i or someone else type(d/s) has served a purpose and that person has learned something for themselves and not just followed suit