Everybody is talking about what he enjoyed and what he didn't. And of course people who are able to make fun them self or the teams which where simply very successful in there terms are happy.
Of course, i was able to enjoy Belgium as well because i met a lot of people their i like very much and i usually see only on the Millennium, but thats not the deserve of the MS. And if i have to rate Belgium it was horrible.
If you want to rate how well or bad the Millennium did this time, you should take a look at the things they took care of or not. And how was it compared to other tournaments in the past years.
If i take look at how the MS developed the past years, i can see that everything becomes more and more expensive but the quality drops and the people get less for there money.
But we should ask ourself first what is necessary for a tournament of this size! Which requirements should be full filed by a site to be suitable?
And how are the priorities of this requirements
1. big enough (for parking, trade show, fields, staging, etc.)
(yes ok, big enough...)
2. usable in all weather conditions (even to unload trucks and drive around with em)
(Belgium was definitely not!!!)
3. it should be flat (you just cant build a good field on an stinking acre)
(you know several story's about how it was already)
4. enough overnight accommodation within 20 minutes journey time
(I know people which had to drive more then 45 minutes every morning, because there were no rooms left around the site!!)
5. enough possibility's for everybody to supply them self with food and whatever else is necessary within 20 minutes journey time
(restaurants closed at 21.00, and the next supermarket was more then 10km away and several items where already out of stock on Thursday!)
6. European airport within 30 minutes journey time
7. reputed location (even if it is only the overflow car parking, it helps if you try to get a good image in the public if you can they, we play at Euro Disney for example)
(even if not really necessary, it definitely was not!)
8. good atmosphere (but that is something what is usually created by the players and vendors)
9. it should be cheap (oh yes it was!!! it was for free!!)
To me it looks like they only take care of the last point, and i simply don´t believe their story's that this was a 3rd choice distress location, specially because i know other story's about it.
Judge em yourself, but if you add up all the entry fees and if you have at least an idea of how much sponsors have to spend and what the MS pays them self and what is provided by sponsors or what is for free, you might come to the point that they earn a lot of money, and if they don't, like they say...there is something fishy about the MS.