Does that make you feel big? I don't lie, Markie. Yes, i test every single pallet before it is allowed to come thru a DF gate. Not only that but our centre managers test the batches AGAIN on delivery to the centres and submit their paint test results to me to compare to my original results. Our 4 suppliers submit a sample of between 100 and 500 balls to me from every batch before we accept it.
Today i tested 27 pallets of paint from Manic, earlier in the week 3 pallets from Powerball and 9 pallets from Phoenix. Ask the people i have listed, they know the criteria we require. By all means PM me and make arrangements to come to the DF head office and see a record of every pallet of paint we have used from the last 3 years, drop tests, slam tests pole and seam measurements etc etc. I sense this surprises you? You think that strange or extreme? We don't. We think that's an acceptable standard. So, here we go blowing myths about DF out of the water again. Wake up and smell the roses. Rental paintball in the UK has changed. Time for other operators to play catch up.
DF have not bought a 'rainbow' mix in the 3 years that i have been testing paint. FACT. We have been offered it, but as it is a mix of batch ends it is impossible to get a true test result as it could be made up of 5-10 batches of paint. We just don't bother with cheap paint like that. What you may have seen is a mix of paint that the centre managers themselves have mixed, after we have accepted the individual batches. This is only done when we have say 5 boxes of one colour and another 20 boxes of something else etc. Rather than give some players yellow and other players green we mix them so everyone has the same. As soon as someone has something different to you, people draw conclusions that one is better than the other, so we mix to avoid this sort of psyche.