its not really going to be a ghost town when people go to the park with alternative attractions anyway. Its simply another selling point for the park. And by the way in which Alton towers is set up, there is a large open area at the entrance. So people will have to walk past. Hence, this will stimulate the need to educate people before you move to these big-name parks, some sort of public awareness needs to be reached or the site will thing 'hey this will make us a ghost town'
possibly, it would, however, come with age restrictions and would increase insurance. Just get a half decent marker and let em shoot at a targetcould have a set up of snap cages or something and let people have a go against a friend. Give them a taste of what its like and wet their appetite.
and with trade stands, people would be able to go have a look, pick things up (leaflets perhaps) find out a little more about it - only thing would be the prices may put them off.its not really going to be a ghost town when people go to the park with alternative attractions anyway. Its simply another selling point for the park. And by the way in which Alton towers is set up, there is a large open area at the entrance. So people will have to walk past. Hence, this will stimulate the advertisers.
People know OF paintball, but not tournament. This therefore increases awareness. If a paintball event made for publicity was set up indipendantly, then you would most likely have the ghost town effect.
Either way, on the day, its good for the tourney players...
things like casual clothes could be bought by anyone, not just the paintballers.
the question is, whats in it for the theme park?