I'd have waited to see what the marshals did, rather then pointing out the shot. If they call the player out, they must act accordingly, And call a one for one penalty. If they called the player clean. i'd have pointed it out. If they had tried to penalise me for that i'd have teabagged them. If you have a genuine concern, get it sorted in the proper way, dont give them grounds to give you any penalty. If it does'nt get resolved dont sign the sheet.id just like to ask something that became vital in our team getting screwed over in a game.
situation: other team was shot in feedneck, he PLAYED ON, marshall didnt pull him eventually our last player was shot out and went to the deadbox
the player who had played on hung the flag when my team mate saw the shot on his feedneck, he pointed it out to the ultimate who then said your out, put the flag bk at the 50 and their only other guy hung the flag
wendy even said it should have been a 1 for 1 but when the field ultimate talked to wendy he said that my teamate had spoke from the deadbox which was also a 1 for 1 offense. If hed left it till after the game the ultimate would surely have said it was invalid and he should have raised the issue earlier