Well you would be the first one Ive ever met! I understand the idea behind health and safety, but in practice it "seems" designed to make me earn less money by stopping me doing very normal low risk activities.That's not down to Health and Safety Regulations, it's down to those interpreting it and applying it.
I'm a Health and Safety manager for 1500 people and the site has a very diverse range of operations. One thing my team fully recognise is that you can't apply a blanket approach and the majority of your solutions are known and practiced by those doing the job. This approach has led to us reducing lost time accidents (>3 days) from 65 per year to 2 per year with a target of zero.
What many companies forget is that what they see as cheap, simple controls are anything but. Providing PPE costs money, is a poor control and has significant ongoing costs that are rarely recognised when specifying it as the primary protection.
Many so called safety experts have never operated on the shop floor and fail to see that if you hire competent people they will know the hazards and appropriate responses to a situation. That is not to say that supervision isn't an important element in ensuring appropriate risk controls are applied.
Lids on coffee cups and wearing hard hats while roofing (unless you swinging roof trusses round) don't feature high in my list of concerns.
For example, if I step out of a plot on a building site without my hard hat on, I can be banned from working there on an instant dismissal, and further banned from working for that firm for life. Despite the fact that people have moved into a few of the houses on the same street, and are free to wander up and down it as they please. Pushing prams, riding bikes etc.
Oh yeah, and I found out the other week, my high vis vest must "by law" (and by that I assume the guy meant health and safety law, not criminal law) have two silver reflective bands running round the midriff and not one. Another days work lost due to a ridiculous ruling. Its honestly like im at school some days.