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Students Rioting today

Potter Loki

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2007
If im honest i hope to come out with a 2.1, I think a first is a little out of my reach but hey, I'd be proud whatever, but now there are so many people doing it hunting for a job is now so competative anyway, and as im not interested in further research (i.e PhD) then ive just got to do what i can, glad i did masters though, Il gladly pay the tuition fees...
Whatever anyone else says Higher education is a priviledge not a right

this years tuition fees were £3290 and i received a further £3849 in maintanence grant


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Thats why i voted labour, who can trust politicians eh!?

I've said it before on this site and I'll say it again ... no matter who you vote for, the government always seems to get in !

There is little to no point in believing your vote makes a smattering of difference, the illusion of democracy is upheld by all those who sit in power and all those who go to vote ... it's the lesser of evils .. the alternative is anarchy I know but let's never forget, our politicians [the majority] are nothing but self-serving crooks though the indignation they utter when accused is incredulous if not embarrassing.
I catagorise our politicians as one of the lowest of the low because they are meant to serve us not deceive and milk us for what they can get, and yet we see time and again instances of their indulgence and skulduggery.


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
If im honest i hope to come out with a 2.1, I think a first is a little out of my reach but hey, I'd be proud whatever, but now there are so many people doing it hunting for a job is now so competative anyway, and as im not interested in further research (i.e PhD) then ive just got to do what i can, glad i did masters though, Il gladly pay the tuition fees...
Whatever anyone else says Higher education is a priviledge not a right
2.1 or first doesnt really make a difference and depending who you speak to they are cautious of people with first degrees as (generalising wildly) those students can be seen as book worms or lacking social skills, and spent their whole uni life sat in the library.

Thats what I was told anyway.

TBH I totally regret uni in a way, but more about what I studied, but I cant really complain Ive done well for what I have acheived. Maybe I would study something in the future who knows.

In a way, there is a lot to be said for simply getting a job at 18. Anecdotes do not statistics make, but ive heard enough of them that say lacking a degree wasnt a disadvantage compared to 3 years experience. Likewise for the argument of PhD over a Bs...

Potter Loki

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2007
I've said it before on this site and I'll say it again ... no matter who you vote for, the government always seems to get in !

There is little to no point in believing your vote makes a smattering of difference, the illusion of democracy is upheld by all those who sit in power and all those who go to vote ... it's the lesser of evils .. the alternative is anarchy I know but let's never forget, our politicians [the majority] are nothing but self-serving crooks though the indignation they utter when accused is incredulous if not embarrassing.
I catagorise our politicians as one of the lowest of the low because they are meant to serve us not to deceive and milk us for what they can get, and yet we see time and again instances of their indulgence and skullduggery.
I was talking to mum about this a few weeks ago, she came up with a cracking line but i cannot remeber it..

something about "there your servants untill they get into power"

Agree with you on the vote though, none of them can be trusted if im honest, i just like charles clarke more than simon wright (my local lab and lib dem Mp's) Simon is a sneery git, but i digress

@ Lovetone: Yeah i can see were you coming from, i consider myself reasonably skilled socially, more so than a classic "book worm" like half the people on my course (though they dont do that great anyway)

I find at the moment up to a point its not what you know but who you know, il get back to you in a couple of years!!


Free Agent
Sep 26, 2006
They're still Libdem individuals, yes the reforms would have probably still gone through, but I'd expect MP's who have signed a pledge to vote against fee rises, to then vote against fee rising.

As for devaluing degrees, yeah I'm half way through a BA Honours in Graphic Design and I am facing the likely prospect of having to do a year unpaid internship once I graduate.

Am I going to be affected by the reforms? Nope, I highly doubt it.

Would less graduates benefit me? Yeah.

However I believe in an educated soceity, so to create more barriers than there already are just doesn't sit well with me.


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
They're still Libdem individuals, yes the reforms would have probably still gone through, but I'd expect MP's who have signed a pledge to vote against fee rises, to then vote against fee rising.

As for devaluing degrees, yeah I'm half way through a BA Honours in Graphic Design and I am facing the likely prospect of having to do a year unpaid internship once I graduate.

Am I going to be affected by the reforms? Nope, I highly doubt it.

Would less graduates benefit me? Yeah.

However I believe in an educated soceity, so to create more barriers than there already are just doesn't sit well with me.

And current fees are £3290
Lets just pick some figures as an example, why would you say £15k loan to pay back is significantly less of a 'barrier' than £30k?


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
They're still Libdem individuals, yes the reforms would have probably still gone through, but I'd expect MP's who have signed a pledge to vote against fee rises, to then vote against fee rising.

As for devaluing degrees, yeah I'm half way through a BA Honours in Graphic Design and I am facing the likely prospect of having to do a year unpaid internship once I graduate.

Am I going to be affected by the reforms? Nope, I highly doubt it.

Would less graduates benefit me? Yeah.

However I believe in an educated soceity, so to create more barriers than there already are just doesn't sit well with me.
Also, I know loads of people that studied Art / Graphics degrees. From their experience I would say that there are opportunities for sponsorships / grants / awards / funding from companies, but you will likely need some part time work or a day job. Good luck with it!


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
As for devaluing degrees, yeah I'm half way through a BA Honours in Graphic Design and I am facing the likely prospect of having to do a year unpaid internship once I graduate.
Agreed. I'm torn in two, I resent the rise in fees, so much so that I get frustrated and tense just thinking about them, but I know that degrees are generally undervalued so less people going into uni could be a positive.

I'm in my last year, studying Psychology (yeah, I'm that guyh). I'm sh**ting myself about the prospect of graduating to a jobless market and validating every naysayer who warned me about my course, even though I'm damn good at it and proud.